Habits That Damage Your Hip Health: Get To Know Them!

Pain centered in the hip joints is undoubtedly one of the most common in women. The risk of a possible bill usually reaches advanced ages. Therefore, it is a reality of which we must be very aware.

If you currently feel stitches, pain in your lower back that reaches your buttocks, and severe discomfort in your hips when walking or climbing stairs, take this information into account. Consult with your doctor about any problem and do not hesitate to improve your daily habits.

What habits can harm my hip health?

In the first place, we must point out that many times the hereditary component has an important weight when it comes to suffering from hip wear. Diseases such as arthritis and even osteoporosis  are factors that day by day will greatly reduce the health of our bones and joints.

If at a family level you know that the issue of wear and tear and hip pain is common, it will be essential that you improve your habits to take care of your joint health. It is essential that you take care of your diet, that you do some exercise and that you establish preventive guidelines so that this reality so common among us does not affect you.

Let’s see now what habits can damage the health of your hip.

1. A sedentary life

Surely you already sensed it. The most ironic thing is that, despite knowing all those realities that affect the health of our bones, we do not put means to improve our quality of life.

How many hours a day are you sitting? Or how long do you spend standing in the same position? Keep in mind that our hips have complex joints that tend to be easily overloaded.

It is very typical, for example, to notice how, when we get up, we feel a sudden crack in the hip. It is also common to feel at the end of the day a kind of stinging that goes from this part to the belly and also radiates to the buttocks.

Remember then that a sedentary life is a great enemy for bone and joint health. Doing physical exercise is, according to medical publications, essential to prevent and treat these discomforts.

2. An incorrect diet

You may have done numerous diets to lose weight throughout your life, but did you eat properly? Did you include adequate levels of calcium, phosphorus or magnesium?

Women tend to suffer from deficiencies of these three minerals, and if we add inadequate nutrition to this, we also help the bone and joints that make up the hip lose density and problems appear.

For example, the relationship between bone health has been studied with special diets, such as those of lactose intolerant people or adolescents with celiac disease.

It is often said that soft drinks, sweets, coffee, chocolate, alcohol, tobacco and red meat cause us to lose levels of calcium and magnesium. However, this does not mean that you should not consume them at all: regulate their consumption and plan a diet according to your needs with a nutritionist.

Therefore,  always take care of your diet. Think that everything you eat can be either a facilitator for the health of your bones, or a great enemy.

3. The continued use of the heel

The habitual use of heels varies our postural axis, damages our back and, as a result, our hips also end up suffering its consequences.

It is possible that for work reasons you are forced to have to use heels, but the ideal is that they never exceed 2 centimeters, according to certain specialized publications. If they are taller and used for a long time, they can cause serious injury.

4. Beware of falls

We already know that the risk of breaking a hip comes over the years, when our bones lose bone mass and this joint is already very fragile. However, you must be careful with other aspects: sometimes, a bad step can cause a fissure in the hip.

It does not matter if you are 20 or 40 years old, since there is no age for these types of injuries or falls. If not treated properly, in the long term they can bring us more serious complications in the hip.

So, if you are one of those who usually go for a walk or do some sport, always wear good shoes and do not risk overloading your body.

How can we take better care of our hip health?


  • Increase your magnesium and calcium levels. There are many foods that can provide you with these minerals, essential for bones. But if it is common in your family to suffer from hip problems, you can talk to your doctor about prescribing a supplement. In many pharmacies there are adequate treatments that can help us increase the level of these essential minerals to take care of and strengthen our bones.
  • The healthiest activity: swimming. If it is within your means to go to a pool, it would be ideal for you to swim every week. The exercises that we can do in the water are ideal to strengthen bones, muscles and joints, thanks to the low impact they generate. And you will arrive home very relaxed!
    • Always watch your weight.  Obesity or those extra kilos are a direct enemy not only for the health of our hips, but also of the knees. It is an “extra” weight that they must bear and that hinders their movements. Try to stay at a suitable weight and eat healthy and varied. If you see that, over the years, your metabolism changes and you cannot lose those extra pounds, consult a nutritionist. Worth it!

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