7 Foods That Help Protect The Female Intimate Area

In addition to external care, there are certain foods whose intake can help us optimize our intimate health. In the case of yogurt, in addition to consuming it, we can apply it topically

Taking care of the female intimate area goes beyond using special soaps or having a strict daily hygiene routine. Although these aspects are important, it is essential to keep in mind that there are other habits that influence your health.

For example, the regular consumption of some foods helps to protect the vaginal flora and, therefore, they are ideal to reduce the risk of infections.

These contain probiotics, antioxidants and a variety of other nutrients that, by strengthening the defenses, help keep the area protected against harmful microorganisms that can cause illness.

In the following space we want to share in detail the 7 best ones for you to consider adding them to your regular diet. Discover them!

1. Natural yogurt

Plain yogurt

Natural yogurt is a natural source of probiotics or healthy bacteria that help keep the pH of the intimate area in balance. Its consumption and external application help prevent yeast infections, since it attacks and inhibits the growth of fungi.


  • First, consume a glass of plain yogurt daily to prevent vaginal infections.
  • In case of infection, rub some plain yogurt on the outer areas of the vagina.

2. Probiotic foods

While yogurt is the most popular probiotic, it should be noted that there are other healthy options that also help protect “zone V”. Fermented foods, rich in live cultures, protect the microbial flora of the vagina and reduce the risk of bacterial and yeast infections.

The most recommended are:

  • Kimchi
  • The miso
  • Kefir
  • Kombucha


  • Consume sources of probiotics at least 2 times a week.
  • In case of infection, include probiotics in your diet to speed up their recovery.

3. Garlic

3. Garlic

Garlic is a food with antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties that, taken regularly, reduces the risk of suffering from a wide variety of infections. Known in alternative medicine as a base for natural remedies, it is an ingredient that benefits female intimate health in multiple ways.

Its antifungal compounds control and prevent bacterial and yeast infections, while its prebiotic effects feed the microbial flora in the area.


  • First, consume a clove of garlic on an empty stomach.
  • To control vaginal infections, prepare a garlic infusion and rinse the outer areas.

    4. Apple cider vinegar

    The natural acids contained in apple cider vinegar have been used since ancient times as agents to regulate the pH of the vagina. These compounds, in addition to their healthy bacteria, inhibit the negative action of fungi and soothe symptoms such as itching and redness.


    • First, add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to warm water and consume the drink on an empty stomach.
    • Second, dilute vinegar in your shower water and wash the outer areas to attack microorganisms.

    5. Cranberry juice

    Cranberry juice

    Rich in antioxidants and fiber, cranberry juice is a healthy drink that helps protect the vaginal area and urinary system. Its diuretic properties increase urine production and decrease the presence of bacteria in the urinary ducts and bladder.

    It has natural acids that help regulate the pH of the vaginal area, reducing the presence of infectious microorganisms.


    • First, consume a glass of cranberry juice at the first sign of vaginal or urinary infections.
    • Take it at least 3 times a week as a preventive.
    • Avoid consuming commercial presentations, as they contain added sugars that affect their properties.

    6. Almonds

    Almonds and other varieties of nuts are ideal for preventing vaginal dryness. They contain vitamin E, a nutrient that helps stimulate the natural lubrication of the area, facilitating the balance of estrogen levels.

    They also provide essential fatty acids, recommended to prevent conditions related to inflammation.


    • First, consume a glass of almond milk at least 3 times a week.
    • Second, eat a handful of almonds when you feel hungry.
    • Include this food in your smoothies and salads.

      7. Avocado

      Avocado or avocado

      The avocado or avocado is a fruit with many benefits for the health of the vaginal area. It contains fatty acids and vitamin E, which help prevent dryness. Its contributions of vitamin B6 and potassium help protect the vaginal walls, preventing their weakening.


      • First of all, eat one piece of avocado a day.
      • Also, include avocado in your smoothies, salads and soups.

      How regularly do you eat these foods?

      Now that you know how good they are for your intimate area, try to add them to your eating plan and see for yourself their benefits. However, do not forget to visit the doctor at the first discomfort. In fact, these remedies are helpful and not a substitute for medical treatments.

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