7 Tips To Burn Fat And Gain Muscle With Food

It is usually recommended to gain muscle and some fat during the first months, and then burn it off. However, there are alternatives to this method.

Burning fat and gaining muscle at the same time is a difficult task due to the physical effort that it usually involves. However, it is not impossible. In a generic way, professionals usually recommend gaining muscle and some fat during the first months, and then “burning” the fat and some muscle.

This is so because, typically, to gain a pound of muscle, it takes around 5,000 extra calories, so that the body can build new tissue. This means that you have to eat more than you spend. At the same time, to burn a kilo of fat, you have to burn about 7000 calories, that is, more than what you eat.

However, there are alternatives to this method.  The most important thing is to be clear that calories are not the only important thing.

Depending on the type of nutrients that are provided to the body, it will have more or less facility to achieve one goal or another. How and when you get these nutrients is also important.

Burn fat the smart way

A good diet is essential when it comes to achieving the objectives in an efficient and safe way. Therefore, it must be borne in mind that you cannot resort to just any option and that it is essential to get good advice before starting a specific diet.

It is advisable to consult with your family doctor and a nutritionist. In this way, a personalized diet can be obtained, according to the needs of the organism and the objectives set.

Diets that simply reduce calories make you lose weight, but keep in mind that they also make you lose muscle at the same time. Therefore, they are not a recommended option in any case.

When it comes to increasing muscle mass, it is usually recommended to eat few carbohydrates, combining the diet with different weight exercises. In this way, it is considered that the body is helped to eliminate fat deposits.

Keeping carbohydrates and insulin at controlled levels helps the body burn fat.

Regardless, several studies have determined that reducing only carbohydrates, with high levels of protein and moderate levels of fat, forces the body to use body fat for energy. This helps the body lose fat and gain muscle at the same time.

1. Foods that help activate the metabolism

There are certain foods that have the property of helping to activate the metabolism. Which is very beneficial in helping the body burn fat.

  • Cayenne pepper. It is recommended to consume it gradually, since it is very spicy.
  • Ginger. It also has digestive and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Green Tea. Excellent to drink mid-morning and mid-afternoon.
  • Cinnamon. This is a powerful stimulant, it also prevents sweet cravings.
  • Grapefruit. It is an ideal citrus fruit to promote weight loss and improve liver function.
  • Oatmeal. It is a very nutritious and complete cereal, excellent for athletes.
Suitable foods for breakfast

2. Look for healthy fats

To lose weight you don’t have to go hungry. Likewise, to burn fat  you should not stop consuming it, but choose those that are healthier. That is, eliminate fried foods, ice cream, pastries and sausage. It is advisable to replace them with the following foods:

  • Coconut or olives.
  • Ghee or clarified butter.
  • Nuts, seeds and avocado.
  • Blue fish and egg yolk.

3. Hydrate properly

The perfect complement to a balanced diet is neither more nor less than adequate hydration. At this point it must be remembered that water is the best drink that you can choose to enjoy health and well-being on a daily basis.

It is not necessary to necessarily consume two liters of water a day or more, but to make sure that you drink enough quantity throughout the day so that the body can perform its functions correctly.

Just as it is advisable to maintain an adequate daily consumption of water, it is also advisable to avoid consuming industrial beverages, which contain large amounts of sugar and salt and prevent you from burning fat and gaining muscle.

4. Avoid alcohol consumption

Benefits of quitting alcohol.

Continuing with the previous point, it is advisable to do without or at least avoid the consumption of alcohol – as much as possible – in order to burn fat and gain muscle.

According to Dr. Jordi Salas, he clarifies that pure ethanol contributes around seven calories per gram. “Drinking in moderation can help control calories and choosing beverages correctly or making ingredient substitutions also helps consumers reduce calories in beverages.”

5. Combine legumes with vegetables

To burn fat and gain muscle with food, it is advisable to learn to eat legumes combined with nutritious and healthy foods, such as vegetables.

Eating a plate of red beans with vegetables and tuna is not the same as a plate of red beans with white rice and French fries. Obviously, in the second case, the number of calories is considerably higher.

6. Be careful with cereal bars and light snacks

There are many snacks on the market that are labeled light , but are actually high in sugar and other elements that are not beneficial when it comes to burning fat and gaining muscle.

It is preferable to make homemade cereal bars at home, than to buy them in any store. Likewise, it is also much more beneficial to eat healthy snacks such as carrots with a touch of hummus, than a bag of chips.

7. Not all smoothies and shakes are recommended

On the other hand, although homemade fruit and vegetable smoothies, juices, and smoothies are better options than industrial drinks, that does not mean that they are miraculous. Therefore, we must avoid consuming them in large quantities and of course, avoid adding sugar, since the ideal is to enjoy the flavor of their ingredients naturally.

Exercise is key to burning fat and gaining muscle

At the same time, combining a good diet, it is essential to carry out adequate physical exercise. Experts often recommend lifting weights if you are looking to gain muscle. In addition, they are usually exercises that include a lot of weight.

This is because short and intense efforts stimulate the production of growth hormone, which causes the body to build muscle tissue. If the body does not exercise enough to maintain the muscle, it will eventually disappear.

Improving posture is also essential to correctly work the muscles. Not only during the exercises, but on a day-to-day basis.

If done correctly, you run the risk of injury  and also of not achieving the body shape you want. This is because the body can accumulate fat in places that we do not want to balance the weight due to incorrect postures. For example, some people find it difficult to improve the appearance of the waist because the spine is not straight.

What are the most recommended exercises?

It is important to consult different sports tables of exercises with a specialist. Depending on each person and their level, the exercises to be carried out will be different. In any case, it is usually recommended to do sports – minimum – two or three times a week.

As mentioned above, to gain muscle, the most appropriate exercises will include weight lifting above all, in order to tone the muscles. In certain cases, it may be recommended to combine the exercises with a cardiovascular routine.

By exercising, eating healthy, and maintaining a consistent lifestyle, it is possible to burn fat and gain muscle safely and healthily. Will you dare to try it?

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