How To Grow Stevia At Home And Take Advantage Of Its Sweetening Properties

Stevia is a plant of tropical origin whose behavior varies in Mediterranean climates, having an important growth stop when the autumn-winter season arrives.

Due to this, it is considered as a multi-year plant, that is, it can regrow for 4 or 5 years. In the spring it leaves us with new shoots, which appear under its roots.

From then until mid-August it can be reproduced by cuttings, similar to geraniums.

However, no shoots should be planted that end in flower, because they will never take root. In addition, these flowers never give rise to seeds with germination power, so reproduction can only be done by cutting.

In this way, if we plant it from a good variety, we will obtain an endless supply of a plant with many medicinal qualities.

And it is that, although for many it is still unknown, it is a powerful weapon against high sugar levels, high blood pressure and various digestive problems.

It is also believed to help in the treatment of people with anxiety and serious disorders such as obesity. Learn in the following article how to grow stevia at home.

How to grow stevia at home?

Stevia leaves in a spoon

The cultivation of stevia at home, in the garden, is possible, especially if you are interested in taking advantage of its virtues for health.

To achieve this, it is necessary to take into account some cultivation guidelines, certain cares and the correct way to harvest its leaves.


  • 1 large pot
  • The final 10 cm of a stevia bud (make sure it has no flower)
  • Marinated peat (enough to fill the pot)
  • Water to irrigate

Step 1

Fill the pot with the marinated peat, which you can buy at a nursery. Water it with a little water until the peat is very wet.

Step 2

Remove 2 or 3 leaves from the bottom of the stevia bud, to facilitate planting in the peat. Bury it and be sure to press a little with your fingers around the stem so that it makes contact with the wet peat.

Keep in mind that you should not let a long time pass from when you cut the shoot until it is planting.

Step 3

Stevia plant

Place the pot in a shady place to avoid direct sunlight. Since then, water it 3 times a day to make sure the peat remains moist enough.

Step 4

After about 28 or 30 days you may notice that the stevia bud begins to straighten. Once leaves start to come out, it can be put in a place with more sun so that it does not stop growing.

  • When the sprout is transplanted into the garden it begins to take out new leaves, and it only needs to be watered once a day.
  • In the summer it is watered every day, but in spring and autumn it must be verified that the soil does not feel damp.
  • In the winter it is only watered if necessary, as excess moisture will cause the roots to rot.

Step 5

At the end of autumn, when you notice that the plant is full of flowers and no longer wants to grow, it is time to cut it back and leave it at 10 cm in height.

Step 6

To dry the remaining leaves, try not to get direct sunlight so that their properties are not lost.

In small quantities they can be dried inside the home, where there is usually a better temperature.

Medicinal use of stevia at home

Stevia has been shown to be healthy for patients with type 2 diabetes, which comprises 90% of patients with this disease worldwide.

Until now, cases of type 1 diabetes can only be treated with the use of insulin.

Until today it is considered that its consumption can control excess glucose in the blood, but also alleviate discomfort of the digestive system and the cardiovascular system.

People with obesity disorder can rely on their consumption to burn fat more easily.

On the other hand, it also has diuretic properties, which makes it a good remedy to purify the kidneys and expel excess fluids.

How is it consumed?

It is recommended to consume 4 young leaves before or during breakfast, and another 4 leaves at dinner time.

When fresh leaves are not available, its dried leaves can be used in an infusion. This can be prepared every time you want to drink, or make quantities for up to two days.


  • 2 tablespoons of crushed dried stevia leaves (20 g)
  • 1 liter of water


  • Bring a liter of water to a boil and, when it reaches a boil, remove it from the heat and add the two tablespoons of dry stevia.
  • Let it rest for at least 30 minutes before ingesting it, so that the leaf releases its properties in the liquid.
  • Strain the infusion and consume it once a day.

Go ahead and grow stevia at home and enjoy a very pleasant experience. As a result, you will obtain an excellent ally for your body and your health.

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