Cardio Dance To Improve Physical Condition

In addition to improving physical condition, cardio dance helps to disconnect and get rid of that stress caused by the daily routine. Know what it is and what its positive consequences are.

The dance cardio is an alternative that is becoming popular among those seeking to harmonize physical and emotional health. In addition, it is an exercise modality that has benefits on an aesthetic level.

Next, we present everything you need to know about this type of dance, which will help you feel better in every way. Keep reading!

Main benefits of cardio dance

The cardio dance is composed of a series of exercises that, together, constitute a choreography. In other words, it is a dance routine that combines exercises to work different areas of the body, at the same time that it helps its practitioners to distract themselves, de-stress and renew energy.

Everyone wants to be in shape, to a greater or lesser extent. In fact, this is actually a necessity, as medical publications such as an online article from the Merck Manual recognize the importance of exercise in daily life beyond the aesthetic aspect.

The positive consequences of doing physical activity can be seen in various ways. In the following list, we will delve into some of them.

An activity to enjoy

To begin with,  why is it so difficult to be consistent when it comes to maintaining an exercise routine? The answer is very simple: it involves effort, something that is not very comfortable.

For this reason, new alternatives emerge every day and research is carried out to ensure that people are motivated to exercise. Thus, the option arises to give cardio dance or other exercise modalities a try .

The objective of these investigations is twofold: on the one hand, they aim to optimize the routines that are carried out, and on the other hand, the fun of the participants is sought. When a person discovers a physical activity that they enjoy, the mental effort is less, so they have more guarantees when it comes to maintaining consistency.

In case you need it, here is another secret about motivation: it is enhanced when doing sports in a group. This is confirmed by a study published by Psychology of Sport and Exercise that, although it studied motivation for sport in a group of adolescents, it can also be applied to people of other ages.

More happiness and optimism

Why dancing helps you stay in shape

The dance cardio is one of the most popular alternatives today along with zumba. And because? Because when dancing, the person feels free, relaxed and there is an increase in serotonin levels, which leads to a feeling of well-being and optimism.

This is explained in a study published by Frontiers in Psychology , which in turn details that cortisol levels decrease with exercise ; therefore, stress is relieved or even disappears altogether. Through swagger and fun, the person finds pleasure and happiness.

Goodbye stress!

Goodbye stress

It’s funny what happens to stress when a person exercises every day. The energy invested in the performance of the routine and the pleasure that music provokes help to get rid of stress and any tension blockage.

For the reasons mentioned above, cardio dance is a recommended alternative for those struggling with stress, anxiety, and similar ailments. Thanks to the combination of dance and sport, this alternative is ideal to start an exercise routine and maintain it over time.

More self-confidence

Dancing often helps people feel good about themselves, attractive. Moving your body, whether to the beat of the music or not, the experience is stimulating and enjoyable. On the other hand, dancing allows the person to lose heart, feel attractive and socialize more.

Likewise, science supports this benefit of dance and exercise in general. According to research published in Neuropsychiatry Disease and Treatment , physical activity is directly and indirectly related to self-esteem, since it improves body composition and, as a consequence, the individual’s perception of himself.

Activates circulation

Contributions of cardio dance

First, the circulatory system will benefit greatly from cardio dance, as with any physical activity, according to the Merck Manual article cited above.

When the muscles are activated, the blood is distributed in the body in such a way that it manages to reach it completely with a good irrigation. Therefore, the heart will work better and there will be better and greater oxygenation.

As for the aesthetic part, good circulation will make the skin look better. Consequently, the general state of health will improve. Each tissue, muscle and organ will be more oxygenated and will be able to operate better.

What is a cardio dance session like?

The dance cardio is an activity to burn calories and, therefore, losing fat. This is an effect that cardio disciplines generally have, as they stimulate caloric expenditure, as indicated by a study published by the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism .

Like other types of cardiovascular exercise, this one also consists of doing an activity – of medium intensity – for more than half an hour, at least. The routine proposed by the cardio dance consists of approximately 45 minutes.

During this time, different movements are introduced to work specific muscle groups. In this way, the person does not get bored and remains active during the session.

Supplement cardio dance with good habits

Regardless of the objectives you set yourself before starting with this discipline, it is advisable that you integrate it with healthy habits to obtain greater benefits, both in terms of health and aesthetics.

To do this, try to eat a healthy diet and get adequate rest. Also, avoid toxic substances such as tobacco and alcohol.

Finally, it is also highly recommended that you visit a nutritionist to plan a specific diet that meets your needs and brings you closer to the desired results. Once you have everything ready, let’s dance and have fun!

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