9 Natural Tips To End Heartburn Without Antacids

Heartburn is a disorder that affects the digestive system but that, in addition, can progressively deteriorate our health.

An acidified organism is vulnerable to suffering from all kinds of diseases, while, if we tend to alkalize ourselves, we will enjoy energy, vitality and quality of life.

In this article we present the most important tips to end heartburn without having to resort to antacids.

Consequences of heartburn

Heartburn is not just a digestive upset that causes burning. It is a disorder that we must take into account and give it the importance it deserves to treat it.

It is a constant imbalance of the body’s pH that can chronically damage our digestive system. In addition, it carries symptoms such as:

  • Lack of energy
  • Nervousness
  • Dry skin
  • Lowering of defenses
  • Migraines
  • Muscle and joint pain

The solution is not antacids

Antacids are not a suitable solution to combat heartburn, as they aggressively alter the naturally acidic pH of the stomach.

If, in addition, we consume it frequently, this variation in pH can damage the digestive system and make it vulnerable to all kinds of diseases, in addition to causing a weakening of digestion.

If we suffer from heartburn once we can resort to a small amount of baking soda. However, we should not consume it frequently either, as it would also be harmful to health.

Baking soda is not always the best option to end heartburn

How do we alkalize ourselves?

1. Raw green vegetables

Our diet should be rich in raw green vegetables. We must increase the consumption of:

  • Spinach
  • Lettuce
  • Watercress
  • Arugula
  • Chard
  • Celery

The green color indicates its high alkalizing power, which is what we need to progressively reduce gastric acidity.

2. Water with vinegar and baking soda

Although we have commented that bicarbonate is not recommended, we can follow this cleansing recommendation to balance the body’s pH, burn calories and eliminate toxins.

We should start the day by drinking a glass of water with a tablespoon of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar and a pinch of baking soda, at least half an hour before breakfast.

3. Sea water

Seawater for culinary use, which is increasingly being sold in more stores, is a highly alkalizing drink that we can use instead of salt. In addition, it provides us with a large amount of minerals and has laxative properties.

We can add it in recipes like:

  • Gazpacho
  • Vegetable creams
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Sauces
  • Soups

4. Raw potato juice

A surprising antacid remedy is raw potato juice, which we can make with a well-washed medium potato and, above all, without sprouts. We will need a blender or we will grate it and go through a cloth strainer.

If we take it on an empty stomach, we can combine it with a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.


5. Clay water

White clay for oral use is an excellent alkalizing and stomach-protective remedy.

Therefore, we will dilute a teaspoon in a glass of water, let it rest for 10 minutes and drink it.

6. Bicarbonated waters

The medicinal waters from springs are rich in minerals. They are classified according to the mineral they contain the most.

In this case, we will opt for bicarbonate waters. Although they contain bicarbonate, the rest of the minerals balance this healthy natural drink.

7. The diet of the three vegetables

Faced with a heartburn crisis, we will opt for a simple diet based on potatoes, cabbage and carrots boiled with apple. We could also cook them in the oven, or consume them raw in salads or smoothies. 

8. Infusion of dandelion and plantain

Another ancient remedy is the medicinal infusion of dandelion and plantain, two plants that regulate and protect the digestive system.  We will have three cups a day.

9. The way of eating

The last tip in this article is for us to take into account the issues that can relieve heartburn:

  • Drink water throughout the day and avoid drinking with food, especially carbonated or sugary drinks.
  • Chew food well, since the digestion of carbohydrates begins in the mouth with saliva.
  • Always start with raw foods and then cooked ones.
  • Do not mix too many foods in the same meal. For example, it is not advisable to mix carbohydrates with acids or dairy with other foods.

    If you are prone to heartburn, it is very important that your doctor knows about it. In addition to its specialized recommendations, you can modify your diet by applying one of these tips.

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