How To Improve Thyroid Problems By Taking Care Of The Intestine

If you have intestinal problems, they can affect your thyroid. However, there are some tips and remedies to improve flora naturally.

Some people will find it strange to hear that the thyroid gland and the intestine are related. From this perspective, thyroid problems may improve if you maintain good bowel function.

Find out below what factors harm the intestine and, therefore, the thyroid gland. In addition, we propose some tips and natural remedies to take care of both.

On the relationship of thyroid-gut problems

improve thyroid problems

According to an article published by the Spanish Journal of Digestive Diseases , three-quarters of the immune tissue is found in the intestine. In fact, a healthy microbiota or bacterial flora acts as an excellent barrier against viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.

On the contrary, an altered intestinal flora makes the intestine a gateway that facilitates the passage of pathogens into the bloodstream. In addition, it interferes in enzymatic processes related to thyroid hormones.

There are factors that negatively influence the delicate balance of the intestine and, as a consequence, can trigger thyroid problems. Among them are:

  • Parasites
  • Constipation.
  • Antibiotics
  • States of nervousness, anxiety and stress.
  • Negative emotions such as anger and fear.
  • Intolerance to certain nutrients: such as gluten or lactose.
  • Poor diet due to a high amount of sugars, dairy and refined foods.
  • Heavy metal poisoning: for example, mercury dental amalgams.

How to improve bowel function?

As soon as you realize that something is wrong with the functioning of the intestines, you should:

  • Take natural remedies that help you correct the problem.
  • Increase the consumption of foods with fiber to combat constipation.
  • Drink a liter and a half of water during the day.
  • If you suffer from diarrhea, the pharmacist Mª Tránsito López Luengo advises to use green tea.
  • You can also ask your doctor if you should take charcoal supplements.

In addition, we offer you four other tips to improve the functioning of the intestines.

1. A whole diet to improve thyroid problems

Increase high fiber foods

Even if you do not have any intestinal problems, foods with fiber should not be missing in the diet to improve thyroid problems. These include fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole grains.

Today, most of the products made with flour are refined ; that is, they do not contain fiber. Some examples are bread, pastries, cookies, pasta, or pizza.

However, the following article published by the Brazilian Journal of Food Technology  shows that there are also  delicious and nutritious products made with whole grain rice, rye or spelled flours. You can also encourage yourself to incorporate other cereals such as oats, millet or quinoa .

2. Beware of gluten

Some people with thyroid problems may suffer, to a greater or lesser degree, intolerance to gluten. This is a protein present in wheat, barley, and rye.

A study developed by several researchers in 2019 found that the gluten-free diet brings benefits to patients with thyroid, since this is also found in oats if it is processed in the same place as wheat, barley or rye.

3. Probiotics

Probiotic-based supplements are one of the best options for maintaining a healthy intestinal flora. You will notice the benefits in the health of the intestine and you will improve your quality of life.

On the other hand, an article published in 2007 by the Revista Nutrición Hospitalaria advises choosing quality probiotics that include an adequate quantity and variety of bacterial strains. To do this, you can be guided by the product label.

The ideal amount would be 30 trillion to 50 trillion CPUs (that is, living organisms with the ability to form colonies). However, consult your doctor for advice and do not forget that supplements for intestinal flora should be taken on an empty stomach.

4. Enemas

improve thyroid problems

Some people believe that a good method to clean the intestine in a timely manner, especially if you suffer from constipation, are enemas. These consist of introducing water or some medicinal preparation rectally, and keeping the liquid inside the intestines.

Also, it has been said that some natural plants such as chamomile, thyme or coffee can improve liver function. However, far from this belief, the following study published by The Korean Journal of Gastroenterology has shown that this practice favors the appearance of acute colitis and is dangerous for health.

So it is essential to consult your doctor before trying this method. He can advise you about this therapy and how to do it safely.

Learn how to improve thyroid problems

As you have seen, keeping the intestines clean and healthy is essential to improve thyroid problems. 

We hope this information has been useful to you and do not forget to consult with the professional if you have any discomfort. Also, remember that he can guide you on the treatments or tips that best suit you to solve the root problem.

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