I Like People Who Smile With Their Eyes

I like people who smile with their eyes every day, because their interior reflects the life that is assumed with optimism, energy and resistance. They are personalities with charisma, who do not hesitate to practice that humility that they welcome, understand and respect.

We are sure that in your closest social context you have people with this characteristic: smiling at life and transmitting their enthusiasm.

It is not easy to cultivate on a day-to-day basis that confident and mature optimism that sees things in their true reality, having assumed the past to set new plans and illusions on the horizon.

Living is walking in peace and hope. Therefore, people who smile with their eyes, transmit confidence and that simple wisdom from which we should all learn.

People who smile sincerely

The smile is the gesture with the greatest social and emotional power that people have. It is a language mode that does not need words. Now, something that is interesting to remember is that people do not only smile with their mouths.

  • The look and the eyes are always the reflection of our feelings, hence our will, our affections and our illusions are also projected on them.
  • We smile with our mouths, with our eyes and with our voice, and there is no greater symbol to offer confidence than that simple and sincere gesture, with which we transmit closeness to those around us.
  • There is also no lack of studies that indicate that smiling improves our health. Something so elementary not only contains a reflection of our evolution and of that social brain that knows how to build links with its peers.

People who hide their regrets when they smile

The smile is an armor to show the world, under which we protect our own sufferings. You will like to know that that smile that is not entirely sincere or spontaneous is called a “Duchenne smile”. It is named in honor of the French doctor Guillaume Duchenne who investigated it and who revealed to us how it appears and forms on our face:

  • The Duchenne smile is a contraction of the major and minor zygomatic muscles of the mouth. It appears together with a contraction of the cheeks and produces wrinkles around the eyes.
  • For its part, the voluntary and sincere smile is rooted in the motor cortex, is consciously activated and involves the appearance of many more muscles than in the Duchenne smile, where there is less gestures and a little more rigidity.

It is clear that not all smiles are sincere, and that many seek deception or manipulation. Even so, most of us make use of this less sincere smile (or Duchenne) to “pretend” normality, so as not to make visible those sadnesses that sometimes visit us.

Therefore, if you really need to know if a smile is sincere or not, just look into people’s eyes. This is where true emotions are reflected. A face can be happy and, in turn, hide a whole ocean of sorrows in its eyes.

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