How To Relieve Asthma Symptoms

Asthma is a disease characterized by difficulty in breathing normally at times. Certain smells like smoke, perfume, and other allergens can cause a sudden asthma attack. In fact, asthma symptoms are often caused by allergic reactions to pollen, dust, or food.

Asthma must be treated with medications prescribed by the allergist. However, some people turn to home remedies with the intention of helping relieve symptoms.

However, it is important to note that a study by the Ricardo Palma University indicates that many children arrive at emergency services in serious conditions due to the recurrent tendency to use natural remedies instead of prescribed medications. In this regard, the researchers affirm: ” using medications regularly is the only way to calm the inflammation of the airways .”

Woman with asthma

Some Home Remedies or Practices to Relieve Asthma Symptoms

1. Caffeine

Caffeine dilates the bronchial passage and can ease asthma symptoms until you have your medication or inhaler. However, a study by the Cuban National Information Center for Medical Sciences indicates that caffeine can cause adverse effects in combination with some medications that are prescribed to treat asthma.

Thus, before going to caffeine, you should consult with your doctor to tell you whether or not it interacts with your usual medication.

If there is no coffee within your reach, those who bet on this remedy assure that you can drink two cans of soda with caffeine to obtain the same effect. The truth is that there is no evidence in this regard.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Another home remedy that some people use to relieve congestion is a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.

However, there is no scientific research to support the efficacy or safety of this remedy.

3. Eucalyptus essential oil

Some people use eucalyptus essential oil as a remedy to relieve asthma symptoms. To do this, they put a few drops of the oil in a diffuser and inhale the steam.

However, a study by the National University of San Cristóbal de Huamanga indicates that the recurrent or highly concentrated use of eucalyptus essential oil can cause irritation of the mucous membranes and even injuries and poisoning.

4. Radish and celery

There are those who claim that it is possible to relieve congested lungs by eating a little radish or a stalk of celery.

According to popular belief, this also works if you are not asthmatic, but suffer from sinus congestion from hay fever. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the efficacy of this remedy or its safety.

5. Asthma attacks at bedtime

Another popular belief indicates that to avoid asthma attacks during sleep you can resort to garbage bags. 

To do this, the mattress sheets and the pillow are removed, five or six bags are taken and both are lined with adhesive tape.

Apparently, this would help prevent asthmatic allergy reactions caused by accumulations of mites or other microorganisms in the bed.

However, there is still not enough evidence, since it is likely that plastic is not a safe substance for health, as reported by a report in National Geographic magazine.

Man with asthmatic crisis

6. Other practices and remedies

It is very important to try to breathe slowly and deeply when you have an asthma attack to prevent hyperventilation and help you stay calm.

Sitting up straight with your back supported by the backrest will also help. On the contrary, it is important to avoid lying down, as it prevents you from breathing correctly.

Thus, a study by the Rey Juan Carlos University establishes that respiratory muscle training is a suitable alternative to treat asthma. Of course, the exercises to be performed must be indicated by a competent professional.

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