7 Tricks That Will Make You An Expert In The Kitchen

The kitchen has its own, and being an expert in the kitchen is not always a simple task. With these tricks you will have it a little easier so, if you want to improve your skills, pay attention.

1. Don’t turn the meat constantly

You need to eat more meat

Although it may seem like a minor point, constantly turning the meat can end up being a problem in your dishes. Don’t flip the meat too often. Thus, you will avoid obtaining a steak in which a crunchy crust is the protagonist.

You will ensure that your meat is not dry, since if you are turning it frequently, the only thing you will do is that the meat juice remains stuck in the pan.

To see if the meat is done, it is best to shake the pan. If the meat moves, it means that your steak is done. It is a good trick to be an expert in the kitchen.

2. Find out if the eggs are fresh

If a long time passes from the moment you buy a dozen eggs until you consume them, we will give you a simple trick that will allow you to know if they are still fresh or not. It is something very simple that you can do in a minute from home.

Simply put the eggs in a glass of water. You will see that those that are in bad condition float in the water, while the fresh eggs remain at the bottom of the container.

If the egg is approximately in the middle, it means that it is about two weeks old, but it can still be consumed.

3. Don’t eat freshly cooked meat

There is always a tendency to think that freshly made foods are richer,  but the truth is that this is not always the case, especially if we talk about some such as meat.

In this case, precisely, the most advisable thing is just the opposite, to wait. And it is that, although for many it is an unknown fact, the truth is that to eat the best meat the best thing to do is to consume it when it has rested for a while.

We must bear in mind that each fillet needs a few minutes to take flavor after its preparation.

4. Defrost butter

If you have to cook a dish with butter and you need it to be as melted as possible in the shortest time, you will have to bear in mind that this trick is very simple and easy to put into practice.

It will only take a few minutes.

  • It will be as simple as putting a glass of water in the microwave and heating it up.
  • Pour the water and cover the butter with the glass.
  • In just a few minutes you will see how it will be completely melted and it will be ready to use.

5. How to do a good baking

If you like to cook things in the oven and want to be an expert in the kitchen, you should follow this recommendation. You will have to sprinkle grated cheese on the food 5 minutes before it is done to prevent it from burning and you will also get a fine bed of cheese that will give flavor.

Of course, the most fundamental thing will be to check the power to which you put the food in the oven, and take into account the baking time. Thus, you will avoid being burned on the outside and raw on the inside and other such common setbacks.

6. Learn how to freeze broth

kitchen expert

If you don’t have all the time you would like to cook, something as simple as preparing a good broth and freezing it can make your life much easier. For this, it is important not only that your broth has the right ingredients, but also that you know how to freeze.

The best thing is that you take the broth and place it in ice cube molds. Divide them into servings of broth that can be used to cook for a day. For example, make a portion to cook pasta one day, another rice, another legumes, etc.

7. Season with fresh herbs to be an expert in the kitchen

Herbs are natural and low in calories, making them a much healthier alternative to sauces when it comes to flavoring any dish.

Depending on the type of product to be cooked, one or the other can be selected. For the most part, spices are rich in vitamins and antioxidants. To make good use of them, it is best to put the finely chopped herbs on the plates. It’s that simple and rich.

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