Recipe To Make Homemade Peanut Butter

The popularity of nut and seed spreads has increased in recent years. In fact, today they can be found in varieties such as almonds, pistachios, sunflowers, cashews, among others. However, one of the preferred alternatives is homemade peanut butter. Would you like to learn how to prepare it?

There are several advantages to making this type of product at home; On the one hand, it is easy to prepare and does not require a lot of time. On the other hand, it can be incorporated into various preparations and has nutritional qualities that contribute to health care. Next, we tell you more about it.

How to make homemade peanut butter?

Peanut butter is also known as “peanut butter” or “peanut butter.” It is a product that is obtained from a peanut paste, which can be combined with other ingredients to improve its flavor and texture. Let’s see the basic recipe in detail.


  • 2 cups of peeled and raw peanuts (450 g)
  • ½ teaspoon of salt (2 g)


  • A baking tray (in case you want to toast the peanuts).
  • A food processor or food processor.
  • A spatula.
  • Glass containers with airtight lids to pack and preserve.

Steps to make homemade peanut butter

  • First, you have the option of roasting the peanuts. This allows to give more color and flavor to the cream, although it is not strictly necessary. To do this, the oven is heated to 180 degrees and the peanuts are placed on a tray for 10 minutes.
  • Next, the roasted peanuts are placed in the blender or in a food processor (while they are still a little warm). Grind them for a minute.
  • After this time, there should be a product with a consistency similar to coarse sand. It is convenient to scrape the sides and bottom of the appliance with a spatula to verify that there are no whole pieces left.
  • Then, it is beaten again with the salt, until the butter acquires a creamy and smooth texture.
  • Finally, you will only have to introduce the preparation in airtight glass containers. You can store at room temperature or in the fridge.
Peanut butter.

Things you should know about butter

  • The most common texture is that of a fine cream. If you prefer it more lumpy, to have a crunchy effect , a part of the peanuts is removed after the first shake. Then, everything is mixed at the end of the process. 
  • If you wish, you can add other ingredients to this basic recipe. On the one hand, it can be sweetened with 1 or 2 tablespoons of honey, agave syrup or any other sweetener to taste. These are added at the same time as the salt. Similarly, in this step you can flavor the butter with cocoa, cinnamon or some spicy spice.
  • If stored in the fridge, it is worth mentioning that the pasta is a bit hard. Therefore, before using it, you will have to take it out a few minutes before so that it sits at room temperature and softens.  

What health benefits does its consumption have?

Nuts and seeds are foods with a significant nutritional density that can lead to health benefits. In general, they are related to a reduction in the risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, among others.

As an article published in the journal Nutrients explains , this is largely due to its content of fatty acids, vegetable proteins, fibers, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids and phytosterols with antioxidant potential. In addition, it is considered an energy food, since it makes a significant caloric intake.

Peanuts, in particular, contain resveratrol, phenolic acids, flavonoids, and phytosterols that help block the absorption of cholesterol in the diet. They are also a source of coenzyme Q10 and about 20 amino acids (such as arginine), which lower the risk of disease and premature aging.

Peanuts are not fattening

There are those who avoid this food for fear of gaining weight due to its calorie content. However, as long as it is consumed in moderate amounts, incorporating peanut butter into your diet does not have to be a problem. What conclusions have the studies reached?

  • In 2003, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published an article in which it comments that, due to the presence of monounsaturated fatty acids, as well as magnesium and folates, the consumption of peanuts reduces the risk factors of suffering cardiovascular disease in healthy adults.
  • A year earlier, in this prospective study involving about 80,000 women, it was determined that a higher intake of this food can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. 
  • According to data published in 2019 through the United States National Institutes of Health , mortality from cancer and some infectious, liver, cardiovascular or respiratory diseases is lower in those individuals who eat a higher amount of nuts.
  • In addition, as mentioned, this consumption does not have negative effects on body weight. On the contrary, it has satiating effects and helps regulate glucose, which promotes a healthy weight.
Peanuts are rich in protein.

Other tips for consuming peanut butter

For everything seen in the previous section, the presence of nuts in the regular diet is a good option. Often, these are often included as a snack mid – morning or afternoon. They can also be consumed in salads, mueslis, etc.

In the case of peanut butter, the options to enjoy it are varied. They cover the following:

  • Spread some toast, either with the pasta alone or with jam.  
  • Cut a piece of fruit into slices or more or less fine pieces, and spread with the homemade peanut butter.
  • Use as an ingredient in porridge or muesli in the morning. It is mixed with fruit, rolled oats, seeds, yogurt or a vegetable drink to taste.  
  • It can also be used to make ice cream, cakes, cookies, or smoothies.  

Homemade peanut butter makes a good spread

Unlike many commercial spreads, homemade peanut butter is made from processes and ingredients of high nutritional quality. This allows to obtain a healthy product, ideal to complement the recipes for breakfast or a snack.

The most interesting thing is that it is versatile and can be included in multiple preparations: with fruit, with bread, in oatmeal porridge, among many others. Do you dare to prepare it at home?

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