7 Ingredients That Will Help You Eliminate Intestinal Parasites Naturally

Intestinal parasites are more common than you might imagine.   In the short term some may not be a problem, but if left untreated they can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and even malnutrition. Eliminating intestinal parasites should be a priority for your digestive health.

In this article we propose 7 easy-to-find medicinal plants, with antimicrobial properties to combat undesirable parasites.

1. GarlicGarlic head and cloves to eliminate intestinal parasites

Wormwood is a bitter that has been used medicinally since ancient times to treat mainly digestive symptoms :

  • Indigestion and  flatulence
  • Lack of appetite
  • Liver and gallbladder problems
  • Jaundice
  • H alitosis

It is an especially rich plant artemetin, a flavonoid with antiparasitic properties. In addition, it contains alpha-thuyone and absintin, two substances that  act against the larvae of intestinal worms.  

To consume absinthe you just have to crush the dried plant to a powder and take 1 gram a day sweetened with a little honey. Or if you prefer, you can dissolve 3 drops of essential oil in a glass of water or take it in pill form. It can be purchased at any herbalist.

4. Cloves

Cloves It has been used as an antiseptic and antimicrobial since ancient times. It is a medicinal plant known for its effectiveness in fighting intestinal parasites and larvae.

One way to consume it is to crush it into a fine powder and take a small amount 2 times a day for a period of 3 days to have a greater effect.

If this form of consumption is difficult for you, you can add a small amount of the powder in your recipes  or take it as a powder, diluted in a glass of warm water.

5. Thyme

Thyme to eliminate intestinal parasites

The Pumpkin seeds They are one of the most powerful natural remedies both to eliminate intestinal parasites and to prevent them.

You can take them in several ways:

  • Raw, unroasted and preferably on an empty stomach.
  • You can grind them once they are toasted and use them as a condiment for your meals.

You can also prepare a vegetable drink with the seeds. Here is a simple recipe.


  • 50 pumpkin seeds
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


Crush the pumpkin seeds and mix them with the water. If you want, you can sweeten with a little sweetener or honey.

7. The diatomite

Diatomite is a silicic rock formed by micro fossils of diatom algae. It is used as a natural pesticide, and has been proven effective as an antiparasitic in animals. Although we do not have consistent evidence that it works in humans, we know that it can sometimes be effective in regulating intestinal flora and fighting parasites.

It is generally available in fine powder presentations. The best way to consume diatomite is to dilute it in a kind of sauce to minimize the risk of inhaling it when ingesting it (which can be dangerous).


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