SAVERS Method: Habits That Change Your Life

The SAVERS method is based on six morning exercises to help you achieve what you propose, both personally and professionally. More than a method, it is a philosophy of life that will change the way you see things and focus you on your goals. Here we tell you what it is and how to do it.

What is the SAVERS method?

The SAVERS method was created by Hal Elrod and published in the book The Miracle Morning. In it, he explains the six steps you must take in the first thing in the morning to focus your life and achieve everything you set out to do.

Hal Elrod suffered a serious accident from which, miraculously, he recovered with hardly any sequelae. In this book he talks about his experience and what he has been achieving with his philosophy of life, carrying out this ritual.

The name of the method reflects each initial letter of the 6 steps you should take in the morning. These are:

  1. S for silence (silence)
  2. A de  affirmation  (affirmation)
  3. V of  visualization  (display)
  4. E of  exercise (exercise)
  5. reading  (reading)
  6. S of  scribing  (writing)

It is based on the belief that, depending on the way in which we start the day, it will pass in one way or another. Thus, if we start the day focused on what we want to achieve, it will be easier for us to achieve it.

On the contrary, if we spend the first moments of our day attentive to other less important things, such as checking WhatsApp or email, throughout the day we will deviate more times from our purpose.

SAVERS method and morning

Which are the steps to follow?

The first thing you should know about this method is that you will have to get up an hour earlier each morning. For some, this is an unnecessary effort, but the author highlights it as essential to have the time necessary to carry out all the steps.

1) Silence

It is about remaining silent for the first 5 minutes upon waking up. This will reduce our stress and anxiety levels. These minutes can be spent meditating, reflecting, concentrating on the breath, or establishing a purpose.

2) Affirmation

It is based on the repetition of certain phrases, purposes or goals that make us feel better about ourselves. We can use phrases that have occurred to us, phrases from songs or from readings.

The basis is to repeat them every day to improve our mood and our self-esteem, with which we will start our day with much more strength and energy to achieve what we set out to do.

3) Visualization

This step will also take five minutes. We will dedicate ourselves to visualizing ourselves as if we have already achieved that goal that we have set for ourselves.

It may sound strange, but by repeating phrases that remind us that we can achieve it, and imagining that we have, it will be easier for us to focus on achieving the purpose.

4) Exercise

We will dedicate at least 20 minutes to this step. In these 20 minutes we will choose some type of exercise that we like to practice. This will serve to activate our body and fill us with energy.

The most advisable thing is that it be an aerobic exercise, which will activate us more. Despite this, we can do any exercise that makes us feel good, be it a small yoga, Pilates or running class .

morning yoga for SAVERS method

5) Reading

As with the exercise, we will also spend 20 minutes reading something that we like. It can be the newspaper, the novel that has us intrigued at that moment, or any text that motivates us or focuses our mind.

6) Writing

Finally, we will spend the final 20 minutes of this ritual writing. By writing we mean writing ideas that come to mind, purposes that we have, or simply keeping a personal diary.

We must do it by hand in a notebook dedicated exclusively to this purpose.

The SAVERS method within the routine

The author, and many followers, assure that by continuously carrying out this routine, your life and the way you see things will improve. Thus, it will be easier for you to achieve the purposes.

However , only you are the one who has the power in your life, and who must be used thoroughly to carry out this or other routines that make you achieve your goals. It may not be exactly how its author describes it, but you can adapt its principles to your everyday life.

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