The Dangers Of A Bad Diet

Maintaining a bad diet over time not only implies obesity or vitamin deficiencies, but can also lead to problems such as diabetes or weaken our immune system

Proper nutrition determines many important aspects of physical and mental health. For this reason, when there are deficiencies in the diet, it is common to have symptoms and diseases that reduce the quality of life.

Today, many myths regarding diet have taken hold. In turn, industrial food products have increased, which have a reduced number of nutrients compared to organic foods.

These situations have had a negative impact on everything related to diet and, therefore, have strongly influenced chronic problems such as obesity and cardiovascular disorders.

Why is a bad diet so dangerous? How to improve it? Below we share in detail its main consequences.

Negative effects of a bad diet

Maintain a diversified diet

A bad diet is one that has some kind of imbalance. It is not just the ones that contain too much fat or sugar.  Those that lack essential nutrients or are limited to a single nutritional group are also included.

The impact it has on the body can vary from person to person. However, in general, it carries a series of dangers that can lead to disorders of greater care.


A bad combination of foods, or the exclusion of some nutrients, produces nutritional deficiencies that put physical, mental and emotional health at risk. The malnourished person may suffer:

  • Low body weight
  • Growing problems.
  • Concentration and memory difficulties.
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Muscle and bone weakness.
  • Fragile skin and hair

Nutritional anemia

The poor absorption of some essential nutrients, such as iron or vitamin C, can influence the development of anemia, a disorder characterized by the reduction of red blood cells in the blood. To prevent it, the consumption of:

  • Lean meats
  • Fish and shellfish.
  • Legumes and nuts .
  • Vegetables and fruits.


At the other extreme of bad diets we find those that produce obesity. Although this condition can be caused by genetic factors, a large number of cases are the result of diets rich in fat and sugars.

For its control it is important to limit the consumption of industrial foods as much as possible. Including sausages and pastries, sweets and refined flours, commercial soft drinks and alcoholic beverages. As well as foods with too much sodium.

High blood pressure

Included in the group of “silent killers”, high blood pressure or hypertension is positioned as one of the main chronic diseases linked to poor eating habits.

It can originate as a side effect of obesity. Although it also affects thin people who consume too much sodium or alcohol.

His dietary treatment involves limiting the consumption of processed and trans fat sources as much as possible. Also increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, and replace salt with healthy spices.

Arterial hypertension

Cognitive diseases

Cognitive diseases can stem from a nutrient deficiency. Both the brain and the nervous system require some food to function in optimal conditions. Even with the passage of time.

It is important to eat a diet rich in vitamins A, B, C and E. As well as omega 3 fatty acids, iron, zinc and magnesium. Also essential amino acids and antioxidants.

Poor digestion

Foods loaded with fat, sugars, and protein can make the digestion process difficult. A diet poor in nutrients, or whose foods are poorly combined, can influence digestive disorders such as constipation and diarrhea. Also stomach ulcers, gastritis or irritable bowel.

The main recommendation is to increase your intake of dietary fiber. Which is key to gastrointestinal function.

Weak immune system

A deficiency of essential nutrients decreases the production of antibodies and, therefore, leaves the body susceptible to the development of infections and diseases.

When the diet is not balanced, and some foods are excluded, the immune functions are weakened and pathogens are able to attack more easily.

Immune system

Premature aging

All organs can suffer deterioration due to lack of nutrients. If there is not adequate absorption, free radicals from the environment can impact more severely on cells, as there are no defense mechanisms.

Meal plans can vary from person to person. According to factors such as age or health status. However, in general, a good diet consists of maintaining a balanced diet.

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