The Most Nutritious And Healthy Foods

It is clear that the most nutritious and healthy foods are not found in the bakery or candy section. Actually, they are distributed in the rest of the sections, starting with the vegetables and fruits. Although it is worth clarifying that not everything comes down to these two groups.

As always, it must be remembered that a balanced diet is made up of several food groups, and although vegetables play an important role, it is necessary not to rely exclusively on them when it comes to properly nourishing and thus ensuring that the body obtains what it needs to function properly (which translates into good health).

Of course, along with the diet, everyone must try to exercise daily and maintain other healthy lifestyle habits.

The most nutritious foods

There are organisms that work better on one diet than others. Some go well with a more vegetarian diet; others prefer the carnivorous one, giving priority to proteins; Others, due to their daily physical demands -be it due to sports or work demands-, need more food, or they do without some to highlight others.

But in reality, we  all need  high-quality macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats), in addition to the necessary supplements to be fully nourished regardless of the dietary group to which we belong.

Starting from the premise that everything should be organic to be really healthy,  the diet itself could be elaborated with the associations of the following more nutritious foods:

1. Cereals

We are talking about whole grains, ecological, nutritious and healthy not genetically modified. Among them are oats, rice, buckwheat, kamut, spelled, millet, corn, barley and rye.

Cereals are basic ingredients for a healthy diet. They are composed mainly of carbohydrates, so they are the main source of energy in the diet. They also provide a very low amount of fat.

2. Vegetables

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The most recommended nutritious and healthy organic vegetables would be: asparagus, endive, avocado, fennel, green and red cabbage, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Chinese cabbage, kohlrabi, cauliflower, red and green romaine lettuce, celery, garlic, onions , chives, chives and chicory.

You can also have parsley, bell pepper, chili, hot peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, turnips, spinach, zucchini, dandelion leaves, mustard greens, Moringa leaves, pumpkins, eggplants, squash, cabbage, carrots, and potatoes. These foods contain phytonutrients with antioxidant character capable of fighting against the development of complex pathologies, according to a study published in Advances in Nutrition .

3. Fruits

The most nutritious and healthy organic fruits in descending order according to the amount of fructose would be: lemon, lime, blueberry, apricot, guava, dates, melon, raspberries, clementine, blackberries, cherries, strawberries, pineapple, kiwi.

Moderate consumption due to its high sugar level would be mandarin, nectarine, peach, orange, papaya, green melon, banana, apple, persimmon, watermelon, pear, grapes, raisins, mango, apricots and dried figs.

4. Fats

The most nutritious and healthy organic fats that you should not miss would be flax oil, coconut oil, olives and olive oil, avocados, egg yolk, walnuts, walnut cream and walnut oil, almond, almond cream and oil of almonds, butter, yogurt and kefir, cocoa butter and the one that accompanies meats, fish and cheeses.

These foods are characterized by their contribution of omega 3 fatty acids, nutrients capable of controlling inflammation, as stated by research published in Biochemical Society Transactions.

5. Seeds

They are also among the most nutritious foods. The most recommended would be: pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts, prunes, ground flax, ground chia. In moderation, due to their high sugar index, there would be raisins, in addition to dates, figs and dried apricots.

6. Legumes

The most recommended organic legumes or legumes would be all kinds of beans (beans, beans, beans, green beans), as well as peas (peas or peas), chickpeas, broad beans, lentils, lupins and peanuts. It makes them more digestive and nutritious to combine them with rice, and also to boil them before and dump the dyed water that they release.

Legumes are one of the most complete foods from a nutritional point of view. They are an important source of vegetable protein. In addition, when combined with cereals, it is possible to increase the biological value of the proteins in the diet.

Nor should we forget the fiber they provide. This substance has proven to be essential in ensuring good intestinal health.

Food supplements to the most nutritious foods

It is not easy today to find in food all the nutrients and elements necessary to enjoy energy and health, no matter how varied our diet is. For this reason, we advise, always with a medical recommendation, to use supplements to cover deficiencies.

It would be interesting to take supplements that ensure that we are well stocked with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and other elements that help us meet organic needs or extract from food everything we need to be well nourished and healthy. We highlight some of the most recommended accessories:

Minerals and vitamins

Food supplements rich in minerals and vitamins that should not be missing are magnesium, vitamin C, B Complex, vitamin D, zinc, cell-food, spirulina, chlorella and klamath algae. Also bee products such as propolis, honey and pollen, as well as resveratrol and echinacea.

Digestive enzymes

They help improve digestion.  They can be bromelain and serrazimes, which are proteolytic and help digest proteins, in addition to collaborating in many other organic functions. Or lipases, to digest fats, and amylases, to digest carbohydrates.


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They will help us to restore and strengthen the intestinal flora. We can obtain them from supplements in the pharmacy or also from the fermentation of fresh organic unpasteurized dairy products.

As a last tip to hydrate ourselves,  we could recommend mineral water, green tea, chamomile, boldo, linden and other infusions, as well as fresh fruit juices, preferably lemon with stevia. The latter should be our main sweetener, along with honey in moderation, and the occasional syrup such as palm or maple.

Practical tips

When developing a diet plan and healthy habits, whatever the type of diet, in addition to following the recommendations of the doctor or nutritionist, other basic principles could be taken into account, such as the following:

  • Eat fresh food.
  • Do not abuse carbohydrates.
  • Eat lots of fresh, organic vegetables.
  • Avoid consuming refined and industrially processed foods.
  • Avoid white flours, sugars and sweeteners with unhealthy components.
  • Eat consciously, chewing slowly and in sufficient quantities.
  • Drink enough water throughout the day to keep the body well hydrated.
  • Before starting any regimen, it is better to consult your doctor in advance.

In case of any doubt, the ideal would be to consult with the doctor. It is not advisable to make drastic changes without first discussing it with the professional, as that could put health at risk.

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