How To Prepare A Lotion Of Oils And Garlic To Harden The Nails

Nails have become a very important component of feminine beauty. And it is that these not only help to complement our image, but they are a cover letter that reflects seriousness and good taste.

Keeping them in perfect condition has become one of the necessities in the personal care routine, since, unfortunately, they tend to develop some imperfections when they are not paid attention to.

Although there are many external use products that help keep them beautiful, continuous exposure to toxins and chemicals tend to deteriorate them, causing them to weaken and break.

This situation is not only an aesthetic problem but, as if that were not enough, it increases the risk of infections and fungi.

Luckily, there are many treatments of natural origin that, for a low cost, help to harden and protect them so that they do not present these alterations.

In this opportunity we want to share an oil and garlic lotion whose properties give you extra nutrition and strength.

Oil and garlic lotion to naturally harden nails


Although there are many habits to keep nails healthy and strong, it never hurts to provide them with essential nutrients through the external application of hydrating and repairing products.

In this case we want to propose a lotion made with almond and olive oil combined with garlic, which, after being absorbed, helps to strengthen and moisturize weak and brittle nails.

It is a 100% natural product with a high content of:

  • Essential fatty acids
  • Antioxidants
  • Minerals

The effects of these compounds keep the structure strong and protected from the damaging agents of the environment.

  • Improves the condition of the cuticles
  • Provides antibacterial and antifungal substances that prevent infection.
  • Helps reduce breakage while promoting healthy growth.
  • Both olive and almond oil contain high levels of vitamin E, a nutrient that stands out for its ability to regenerate.
  • This, added to the sulfurous compounds in garlic, helps to harden the nails without exposing them to unwanted reactions.

How to prepare this oil and garlic lotion for nails?

The preparation of this homemade lotion is quite simple and, as if that were not enough, it is much cheaper compared to the prices of the hardeners that are distributed in cosmetic stores.

As its ingredients are 100% natural, they can be handled without inconvenience and do not usually represent a risk to skin health.

However, it is necessary to purchase the “extra virgin” or “pure” presentations, since the refined ones do not provide the same nutrients.


  • 8 cloves of garlic
  • ½ cup of olive oil (100 g)
  • ¼ cup of almond oil (50 g)


  • Glass jar with lid
  • Clean enamel brush


  • Peel the garlic cloves and crush them in a mortar until you get a thick paste.
  • If you don’t have a mortar, cut them into small sheets.
  • Then, put them in a glass jar and cover them with the olive and almond oil.
  • Cover it well and let it marinate in a dark place for 2 or 3 days.
  • After this time, when the product is concentrated, separate the remains of garlic and store the lotion.

Application mode

  • Clean the nails and leave them free of polishes or chemicals
  • Dip a clean nail polish brush into the lotion and rub it over its surface and cuticles.
  • Let the product absorb well, without rinsing.
  • We recommend using it before going to sleep so that the smell of garlic is not a problem.
  • Repeat its use every day, until the nails harden.

To keep in mind!


  • You need to use this lotion every day as part of your beauty routine.
  • Although from the first application you can feel softer and more moisturized nails, it is essential to use it continuously so that its nutrients give them strength.
  • Compounds can act differently in each case, depending on the cause of the weakening.
  • Its use must be complemented with a diet rich in protein and fatty acids, as well as water and antioxidants.
  • If you have any questions about the effects that the compounds may have on your skin or nails, do not hesitate to see your doctor.

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