Make A Delicious Gluten-free Bread Based On Seeds

There are more and more people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance, that is, they do not digest the protein of some cereals like wheat well. For them we propose to make a very healthy and natural gluten-free bread recipe at home based on different types of seeds.

Discover this amazing flour-free gluten-free bread, rich in essential fatty acids, protein and fiber.

Why doesn’t bread suit me?

Why doesn't bread suit me

Many people find that when they eat bread, pasta, pizza, or other types of carbohydrates made from flours, they gain weight more easily, feel bloated, or have heartburn.

These could be symptoms that our body does not digest or assimilate these ingredients well and, in all probability, it could be due to gluten.

However, it should also be noted that breads are increasingly made with cheap and poor quality ingredients.

Today’s flours, yeasts and preservatives have turned most of the breads into industrial products of little benefit to our body.


Gluten is catching on, and not for good reason. It is a protein present in cereals such as wheat, oats, barley or rye that, for different reasons, can be difficult for some people to digest.

Eating gluten is not harmful unless we have an intolerance.

However, we tend to consume excessively refined flours, especially wheat. That is why we  recommend opting for good quality cereals and derivatives, made with different types of whole grains.

We can opt for spelled or rye to provide more nutrients to our body.

Alternatives to gluten

What should gluten intolerant people know?

For people who are unwilling or unable to consume gluten, we offer the following healthy alternatives:

  • Oatmeal that is gluten-free. This cereal is usually contraindicated for celiacs due to the contamination it suffers from being processed in the same places where there has been wheat.

However, we can find a product that specifies that it does not contain gluten.

  • Quinoa: Typical of the Andean countries, very rich in protein and fiber.
  • Millet: Millet is a cereal with alkalizing properties that is very beneficial for the digestive tract.
  • Rice: We can try different types of rice, such as basmati, brown, red, or black.
  • Corn: We must ensure that it is not transgenic.
  • Buckwheat: Despite its name, it is not wheat. It is a pseudocereal with which we can make savory crepes as they are made in France.

    Gluten-free bread

    To prepare this simple and delicious gluten-free seed bread we can choose the ones we like the most: flax, sesame, chia, pumpkin, poppy or sunflower, or combined.

    In the case of wanting to add spices, we can also choose them to taste: cayenne, ginger, cumin, curry …


    • 5 tablespoons of seeds (50 g)
    • A pinch of spices (optional)
    • 2 eggs
    • 4 tablespoons of water (40 ml)
    • A pinch of sea salt



    • First of all, we must grind or beat all the seeds well together with the spices. We can use the blender or a spice or coffee grinder.
    • In a bowl we will beat the two eggs and add the water and sea salt.
    • We will mix the seeds well with the liquid until we get a homogeneous mass.
    • We will put the dough in the mold that we want (if possible, well spread).
    • We will bake at 100º C for 45 minutes. We will avoid higher temperatures to preserve the antioxidants in the seeds.

    Depending on the type of mold, we may need to bake for a longer time. The first time we will have to check the texture of the bread. The idea is to make it crisp and dry.

    Some people prefer to use electric dehydrators to keep the properties of the ingredients even more intact.

    Some delicious ideas

    • This bread allows us to have crusty bread or  homemade crackers with which to accompany all kinds of patés, sauces and cheeses, while we manage not to abuse the flours.
    • We can also cut it into small pieces and add it to creams.
    • We especially recommend seed bread with a spicy hint of cayenne which, in addition to having an intense flavor, also has many health benefits.
    • We can also make sweet seed bread. In this case, we will replace the sea salt with brown sugar or honey and the spices with cinnamon, ginger and cardamom.

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