How To Know If We Are Ready To Be Parents

Having a baby is one of the most important decisions we must make throughout our lives. To find out if this is the right time, it is  not enough to feel that we want a child. It is necessary to investigate, to know if we are prepared to be parents or not.

But what are the signs that  we are ready to have a baby ? In today’s article we tell you everything you need to know before you start considering the possibility of bringing a child into the world.

Let’s go deeper.

Are we ready to be parents?

1. Do we want a baby for the right reasons?

Bringing a child into the world is a great responsibility. Therefore, one of the first questions you should ask yourself is “why do we want to have a child?”

In reality, there is only one valid reason that will guarantee you the fact of being good parents: to have a baby to share your love with another person.

The importance of being parents.

All the other reasons for having a child can cause a great deal of trouble. We are talking about things like:

  • One of the two wants to have a child because he feels lonely. He also believes that it is the best way for someone to keep him company.
  • You think it is your obligation to have a baby. Whether because of culture, social pressure or even family pressure, it is not the right thing to do.
  • You think that having a child will solve your relationship problems. Also that it will prevent them from having them in the future.

All these reasons will make it more difficult to raise your future baby, in addition to filling your life with stress and making the relationship of the couple extremely difficult. This is an important point to define if you are ready to be parents.

2. Do we have a good relationship?

The first thing you should take into account is the type of relationship you have as a couple. If you constantly argue, you do not stop fighting and it is difficult for you to be happy, having a baby will only make things more difficult for you.

Having a child in a relationship full of frustration and dissatisfaction will hurt  both the parents and the child :

  • You will feel overwhelmed due to the extra workload of having to take care of a child. If you used to fight regularly before, once the baby comes into your lives, this will most likely go to the next level.
  • The child will grow up in an unhealthy environment, contrary to what he would need. Babies need  a calm and pleasant environment,  in which problems are the exception rather than the rule.

On the contrary, if your relationship is full of love, having a child together will only strengthen your bonds.  This is one of the most important steps to know if you are ready to be parents

3. Do you have enough financial stability?

Another factor that not many people take into account when having a child and which, however, is one of the most important, is economic.

Although it may seem that having a baby is a decision that has to be based only on love and emotions, the reality is that, without good financial stability, having a child can quickly turn into hell.

Because the problem does not only come from the first years: keep in mind that if you have a child,  you will have to take care of him for at least 18 years.

And taking into account that the age at which they leave home is delayed more and more, it is most likely that you will have to do it for longer.

How to choose when to be parents.

A baby is not a toy

You both have to be clear that a baby is not a doll or a toy. Being a parent is a huge responsibility, as someone else’s life will become your highest priority. 

If you are not clear about it or the reasons are not correct, you will be making mistakes. A child must grow up in a family full of love and respect, otherwise he will be very unhappy. Be consistent with yourself and with the situation in which you find yourself.

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