Is It Necessary To Exercise To Lose Weight?

Aerobic or cardiovascular exercise is the most recommended to burn fat, since it uses this as fuel. Also, it can help lower cholesterol.

Before approaching this article, consider answering the question: Is exercise necessary to lose weight? The answer is: IT DEPENDS! While it is true that you should not exercise to lose weight, it should be considered that this does not apply equally to all people. The loss of body mass is due to diet, that is, results can be obtained based on what is known as a calorie deficit regimen. This is explained by this study carried out at the University of the Balearic Islands.

This study makes mention of caloric restriction and emphasizes that it can be an effective, simple and healthy method to lose weight. They explain it in a very simple way: to lose weight within the framework of goals, you must eat fewer calories than you can burn during the day. In order for each person to know their characteristics, they must visit a nutritionist. This food and diet specialist will be able to recommend a plan based on the needs and circumstances of each person.

The type of exercise you should do

Few people know about the type and amount of exercise they need to do to get feel-good time frame results, generally intended to be short time frames. There are different kinds of exercise and each one has characteristics that differentiate it from the other. For example, impact exercises like soccer and basketball are different from exercises like weightlifting or weightlifting, which involves lifting as much weight as possible.

Therefore, it is suggested to first know the type of exercise to be performed. Exercising to build muscle is not the same as exercising to lose weight. Similarly, no matter what the goal of each person is, the opinion of a personal trainer is recommended.  According to specialists, aerobic exercise is ideal for weight loss. This type of exercise is quite common and one of its characteristics is the proper use of breathing.

In this study carried out at the National University of Costa Rica, it is said that broadly speaking, aerobic exercise uses fat as a fuel or source of energy. This makes it a good option to help reduce the fat found under the skin. It also has other benefits such as lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It can also help improve lung and oxygen capacity, firm tissues, and improve cardiovascular health. The most common activities of this type of exercise are running, walking, jogging, swimming, pedaling, etc.

exercise to lose weight

How much exercise should you do to lose weight?

According to this study carried out at the University of Navara, the amount of exercise that must be done in order to lose weight should always be greater than 15 minutes. However, they explain that the ideal amount would be 30 minutes, since within that amount of time it is usually easier for most people to adapt.

For people who have the ability to do so, sessions of 60 or 80 minutes can have much better results than expected. This is a bit more complicated because it involves spending more time exercising and being in better physical condition. If this interests you, such a goal can be achieved by getting used to your body progressively. That is, start with 30 minute sessions, then increase the time to 45 minutes and so on until you reach your goal of 60 or 80 minutes per exercise session.

exercise to lose weight

How often should you do the exercise?

As for the number of days to exercise, it is recommended to do it at least 3 times a week, especially those who are just starting out. For those who are already a little more experienced, the number of sessions can be increased to 4-5 times a week. Insistence should be made on consulting with a certified trainer who can offer career guidance based on individual goals.

A recommendation is to exercise during the week and on the weekends do other activities with which you can also burn fat. There are options in this regard that can end up being fun and that can be done with family or friends. For example, some alternatives may be going for a group walk, swimming, cycling or something simpler: grab some helmets and go jogging.

Final note

Exercising is part of the activities that you could do with the goal of losing weight. In addition to this, it is recommended to consult with a nutritionist who can suggest quality food and above all an adequate amount of calories that are adapted to the needs and objectives of each person. Likewise, it is considered important to be able to rest periods of 7 or 8 hours a day. If a 15 or 20 minute nap at noon can be added to this, then the results may be more optimal.

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