Dengue Vaccine: Everything You Need To Know About It

The dengue vaccine has been one of the greatest advances in medicine. After more than 60 years of research on how to control or reduce the impact of this disease, in 2015 the first artificial immunization was achieved.

Dengue virus is one of the most widespread infections in the world. It is estimated that, each year, around 50 million human infections occur. This leads to about 25,000 deaths a year, mostly in Asia, Africa and South America.

The dengue vaccine has begun to be used in these areas, which is where the risk of contracting the disease predominates. In addition, it is also used in people who are going to travel to these regions.

What is dengue virus infection?

Dengue is a disease caused by viruses that are part of the Flaviviridae family. Within this family there are four different varieties, but very similar to each other, especially at the structural level.

The scientific names for these viruses are: DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4. The fundamental fact of is that the transmission happens through mosquitoes. That is, mosquitoes are carriers of the virus and vectors; when they bite a person, they inoculate them with particles.

Most of the cases are attributable to mosquitoes belonging to the Aedes aegypti species . Another species that can also produce it is A. albopictus . As we have pointed out before, the infection takes place mainly in Asia, Latin America and Africa.

This disease is endemic and epidemic in nature. This means that it is typical of those areas and that, in addition, it affects many people in a certain place.

These mosquitoes can transmit other diseases, such as yellow fever. This represents an increased risk and a serious public health situation for the ministries of health in these areas.

Dengue Aedes Mosquito

What is the clinic of the disease?

Dengue virus causes symptoms in 25% of those infected. The most frequent symptom is a feeling of general malaise with fever. There may be muscle and bone pain, as well as a severe headache behind the eye area.

On the other hand, gastrointestinal signs may appear, such as nausea and vomiting. A skin rash or small bleeding such as petechiae or bruising is common. The gums can even bleed.

The problem is that about 1 in 20 infected people develop severe dengue. What happens is that the person goes into a state of shock . It is characterized by the presence of severe bleeding, failure of an organ, such as the liver, or difficulty breathing.

The risk of death in these cases is very high, so it is essential to act quickly. In addition, severe dengue can appear in any infected person, without much distinction of age, sex or previous conditions.

Why is the dengue vaccine important?

Dengue virus is transmitted only by mosquito bites. This is important to emphasize, since it is essential to remember that it is not transmitted by oral, sexual or respiratory routes. 

When a person has been infected and manages to recover, they acquire immunity against the virus. However, as we have pointed out, there are 4 different varieties within the family. Therefore, this immunity only works for the specific virus that caused the infection.

This is why the dengue vaccine is so important. It is an immunization that was approved in December 2015 and that would be effective against the 4 different types of viruses.

Dengue vaccine

What is the dengue vaccine like?

This vaccine is made from live attenuated viruses. This means that part of the virus is inoculated, but having reduced its ability to cause infection as such. This stimulates the immune system to become active against the particles.

The vaccine has begun to be recommended in endemic areas of the virus. It should be administered in people between the ages of 9 and 45. for a total of three doses. The second is injected at 6 months and the third at 12 months of the first.

Trials claim that the dengue vaccine is effective in people who have been infected with the virus beforehand, which would be great news. However, there are reservations, and more time of use is needed to clarify its adverse effects and the ability to generate a long-term response.

Therefore, although it has been a great advance, today the viability of it is still being studied to be indicated on a massive scale. In fact, the ideal is to always consult with a doctor who specializes in the subject, whether we are residents in a country with circulation of the disease, or if we are going to travel there.

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