7 Tips To Improve Our Digestion When We Are Under Stress

To improve our digestion when we are under stress, it is not necessary to resort to elaborate methods or to modify our lifestyle. In fact, what becomes really important is learning to slow down and enjoy food.

Stress can alter many of the basic functions of the body, and the impact of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline also cause digestion problems.

If our life is marked by stress that, at the moment, is difficult to manage, we will have noticed that our digestions have worsened. They may be heavier and our metabolism may have changed and so has our weight.

So, you should learn certain guidelines to improve digestion. Next, we will review some very useful tips .

Improve your digestion when you are under stress

1. Eat less, more times a day

Let’s start by limiting the amounts we put on our plates.  In this way, we will force ourselves to chew slowly and salivate, two essential processes so that food is better digested.

If we supply our stomach with smaller amounts of food, we will optimally synthesize the nutrients. At the same time, we will compensate for these small amounts by establishing 6 times a day to eat: breakfast, a small snack, a midday meal, a snack, dinner and a drink before going to bed.

Also, we should not skip any meals.

2. No to fatty or heavy foods

We discard any food rich in fats, refined flours or sugars because we process them badly, they inflame us and cause very heavy digestions.

Instead, we will opt for healthy and anti-stress foods.  Some examples to carry out the diet of any given day are the following:

  • Breakfast:  melon juice with pear. An omelette with spinach.
  • Snack:  1 green apple and 2 walnuts.
  • Lunch:  2 fresh tomatoes with garlic and olive oil. A cup of brown rice with 3 carrots baked with cinnamon. Infusion of dandelion.
  • Snack:  fresh papaya juice and a small toast of barley with honey.
  • Dinner:  baked salmon sautéed with lemon and a pumpkin soup.
  • Snack before going to sleep:  almond milk with cinnamon.

3. Drink more fluids

The ideal is to always carry a bottle of water when leaving home. In this way, we will remember that you have to drink enough liquid throughout the day.

Drinking about 8 glasses of water a day helps prevent fluid retention, constipation and improve our digestions. If it is a bit difficult for us to drink these two liters of water a day, we can add a little lemon juice.

4. Finish your meals with a digestive infusion

  • Chamomile infusion:  chamomile is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic, perfect for relieving stomach pain and improving our digestions.
  • Dandelion infusion: it  is one of the best infusions to help us digest well after lunch, for example. If you add a little honey to it, you will discover how good it feels to you every day and how it is helping you.
  • Mint and Green Anise Infusion:  Delicious and relaxing! It avoids gas, reduces inflammation, favors digestion and the absorption of nutrients and, in addition, it is very pleasant to the palate. If you wish, you can combine these three infusions throughout the week, you will see how they are an essential part of your diet to improve your digestion.

5. Yes to whole grain to improve your digestion

Whole grain bread or whole grain cereals  are best for our digestive system. They are rich in vitamins and minerals and perfect to complement our diet in those times when we suffer from stress. Do you know which are the best you can take? Rye bread or buckwheat. They’re delicious!

6. Eat calmly, relaxed

Many times, we come home and have little time to eat. Therefore, we prepare anything and consume it quickly, without even thinking about it too much.

In these cases, the foods we choose are not usually the healthiest. In general, we opt for the precooked ones but this is a mistake. This type of food does not nourish us properly and promote poor digestion, therefore, we bloat and feel heavy.

So, to improve our digestion, we must  find time to eat calmly and calmly. It is important that we eat slowly and chew slowly, promoting salivation.

We must remember that food is a time for us and for the sake of our health, we must enjoy it.

7. Turn off the television, and enjoy with yours

To improve our digestion, it is important to establish a time of calm and relaxation to eat. Believe it or not, it can be a very cathartic time to talk and release stress.

Let’s talk about what you have done during the day in a relaxed way, relax, smile, transmit positive things … Let’s try to enjoy the moment and the food, without haste.

We know that it is not always easy and that most of the time our obligations guide our schedules, but it is essential that we take care not only of food, but also of the times when we eat; those build our quality of life.

Improving our digestion is easy

As we have seen, improving our digestion is not complicated at all. Quite the opposite.

This series of tips that we have given you are nothing more than a reminder that you have to enjoy the present moment and learn to disconnect from negativity in moments that can be easily enjoyed, such as lunchtime.

It is also important that we learn to properly manage sources of stress  and that we establish priorities. Our health and well-being will always be the most important thing.

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