7 Myths And Truths About Transgenic Crops That You Should Know

Given that many of the products we consume may have transgenic origin, it is important that we are well informed about their possible risks and their general problems.

GM crops, according to this study published by the Latin American Journal of Socio-environmental Studies , are those in which genetically modified foods are produced.

He explains that they are carried out through a series of engineering processes in which exogenous genes from other species are inserted.

However, as there is a lot of contradictory information on this topic, below we are going to reveal the 7 myths and truths that everyone should know about these foods.

7 myths and truths about transgenic crops

To begin with, the industry responsible for this type of food has justified its creation with the idea of ​​ending world hunger.

However, it is now known that this is not necessary and, in fact, a high percentage of farmers do not plant them. This information obeys those who oppose the idea in an unquestionable way, it is said.

In contrast to this information, various studies can be found on the web, in favor of transgenic foods, but which have spent a prudent time investigating what is behind this issue.

Such is the case of this study, published by the University of León , which states that Biotechnology, from which transgenic foods and other organisms and microorganisms arise, directly and indirectly contributes an unquestionable influence and can decisively help to alleviate these effects. .

Crops are still pretty low. However, it is estimated that millions of people in the world are including them in their diets without being aware of it.  Although on the latter, there is no evidence or scientific study to support it.

1. “GM crops can coexist with other agricultural systems”

Transgenic crops

First, GM crops can contaminate non-GM crops. So far, there have been about 400 cases of GM contamination around the world. This is what this study, published in 2016, tries to demonstrate.

2. “Transgenic seeds have an expiration date”

Monsanto initially marketed long-lived seeds, but this practice was abandoned for internal business reasons and interests. At least this information obeys what has been read on different internet portals.

This study, summarized in this information, published by Eldiario.es , states that the discussion about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is tremendously complex, since it not only involves purely scientific questions, but also requires a political and socioeconomic analysis.

3. “GM crops are the key to climate resilience”

Genetic engineering continues to fall short of conventional production in the development of those plant varieties that can keep agriculture stable in the face of climatic changes.

  • In addition, adaptation to climate change depends largely on agricultural practices that help in conserving the diversity and nutrition of soils.

    In contrast to this information, various studies suggest that they could represent an important key to climate resistance.

    Such is the case of this study, which explains that these are not good or bad in themselves, but that genetic engineering is an instrument that, properly regulated and used, can contribute to reducing present and future food insecurity.

    4. “GM crops are safe for humans and the environment”

    Transgenic foods

    This is one of the points that has generated the most controversy since the first genetic modification was made. Furthermore, no conclusive answer can be given to this day.

    Some health experts have warned that its consumption is associated with the increased risk of various types of diseases . However, so far there are not enough studies to support this theory.

    5. “GM foods taste better than organic products”

    It is true that genetically modified products have a more delicious appearance. However, internally they cannot overcome those of organic origin.

    For example, regular strawberries are sweet and rich in flavor and are small. GMOs look very fresh and big, but they don’t taste as delicious and many of their properties have been lost.

    6. “GM crops are economically viable for farmers”

    At first it was thought that there would be a lot of profit for farmers. However, in recent years the prices of seeds have skyrocketed due to the protection they have with the patents of large companies.

    On the other hand, the emergence of herbicide- and pest- resistant weeds has increased farmers’ expenses. And this has reduced its economic benefits.

    7. “Genetically modified seeds are needed to feed the world”


    This is one of the objectives of the large transgenic companies. However, many have shown that they are not viable for this purpose because they can cause disease in the human body. It is worth noting that this issue has many people in favor and many others against.

    More than 24 delegates from 18 African countries asked the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations not to use the images of the poor and hungry in their regions to promote a technology that is not safe for human health, or for the environment environment. And much less for your own financial gain.

    Interesting, right? As consumers, it  is essential to be well informed about this type of diet that little by little has been incorporated into the market. Although in many parts of the world they are prohibited, it is always good to make sure by observing the labels.

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