7 Habits Of Emotionally Intelligent People

For several years we have been hearing repeatedly the importance of developing and making the most of our emotional intelligence. However, we are so saturated with the concept that in the end we only know that there are a lot of skills that we have to achieve, but we do not know if we are on the right track or if we should just strive to maintain them.

Emotionally intelligent people have a great ability to handle their feelings and those of others appropriately. The truth is that the fact of being emotional beings and, in addition, being intelligent can seem quite complicated. However, this largely depends on how we set our goals.

All of us, without exception, can light a fuse within us that helps us control our emotions, set limits, and break down undesirable emotional barriers.

It is for this reason that, to make it easier, in this article  we wanted to bring you closer to the habits that emotionally intelligent people usually have.

“Anyone can get angry. That is something very simple. But getting angry with the right person, in the right degree, at the right time, with the right purpose and in the right way, that certainly is not so easy. “


1. Emotionally intelligent people know themselves

Emotionally intelligent people  are able to understand the causes that lead them to feel one way or another. They adequately identify the situation and the source of their feelings, handling conflicts and difficult moments better.

This is not an easy task, since our emotional life can be very complicated. In fact, locating what triggers strong emotions such as anger, fear or joy is particularly difficult.

2. Emotionally intelligent people make decisions

Emotionally intelligent people are scared too, but they don’t rush into making decisions. Instead, they weigh their options and the consequences of each possible decision.

Having our emotional intelligence developed will help us to recognize and assume our responsibility, thus making plans to achieve what we want in life.

3. Emotionally intelligent people manage their emotions

For Daniel Goleman and other scholars on the subject, self-awareness is one of the pillars of emotional intelligence. This ability consists of knowing how to recognize our moods, emotions and feelings.

Furthermore, self-awareness also involves being aware of how our moods influence other people. Managing our emotional resources is a fundamental part of emotional intelligence.

Regulating our emotions is in tune with establishing healthy relationships, both with others and with our inner space. Being aware of what we feel allows us to be the ones who govern our emotions, and not the other way around.

4. Emotionally intelligent people empathize.

There is no direct relationship between what we understand by academic intelligence and emotional intelligence. A person can be extremely intelligent and have excelled in school but still not excel in life.

It is very important to understand that emotional intelligence is not the opposite of intelligence. It is not the triumph of the heart over the head, but the intersection of both at the same point.

Thus, in everyday life, we can carry out different actions to achieve a greater understanding of our emotions:

  • Know yourself. Ask yourself questions, question your behaviors, and reflect on your values. Performing daily introspection exercises will mark a before and after in your emotional self-knowledge.
  • Regulate your emotions. Let’s say that this is not easy either; however, it is worth working on controlling our emotions, both positive and negative. If you feel like you’re getting angry, take your time as soon as possible and remove yourself from the situation for a few moments. Don’t forget that only you have control over your life and your behaviors and emotions.
  • Empathize with others. Put yourself in the shoes of the people around you, even the ones you don’t like. In this way, you will understand that each one has its own story, which may help you to better cope with complicated situations.
  • Find your motivation daily. Get up every morning with the illusion of moving forward in your life. Great achievements are made of small successes, don’t forget.

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