7 Bad Habits That We Follow In The Shower And We Do Not Know That They Harm Us

In order for the shower to fulfill its function and not harm us, we must take into account a series of aspects that we usually ignore. like being underwater too long.

Grooming in the shower is one of the personal care habits that we practice on a daily basis, both for hygiene and to promote well-being in general. Through this we seek to eliminate dirt and bacteria that accumulate in the body.  In this way, we avoid bad smells, skin imperfections and other aesthetic and health problems.

However, although it is a simple task, there are some bad habits that, far from being healthy, could cause unwanted reactions when practiced repeatedly.

The most worrying thing is that for many they go unnoticed. Although they present certain symptoms, it is not possible to imagine that they are due to these errors. Due to this, below we want to share in detail what are those habits that unconsciously can hurt. Discover them!

1. Not washing your feet, one of the big mistakes in the shower

Skipping foot washing is an unhealthy habit practiced by people of all ages. Many only worry about washing the upper body with soap and water. They consider that the remains that go down the feet into the drain are enough to disinfect them.

The truth is that the feet do not wash themselves. Unfortunately, by not giving them special care during the shower, they can develop fungal infections and also have a tendency to unpleasant odors.

Bad smell in the feet: how to combat it?

2. Wash your hair every day

Most people tend to wash their hair too often, especially those that have it greasy. They believe that this will keep you healthier and cleaner. While the use of shampoo and conditioner can make it look very nice, it is not okay to wash it as often or with hot water.

Although the products help to strengthen it, their excessive use can alter the natural secretion of oils in the scalp, and lead to excess dryness. Ideally, do it only three or four times a week, especially if your hair tends to be dry.

3. Skipping the shower after exercising

Many arrive too tired from their physical training to take a shower. However, not doing so has consequences that go beyond bad body odors.

The body releases toxins and bacteria through sweating. Leaving them on the surface of the skin increases the risk of acne breakouts and skin infections. Its presence prevents the skin from being optimally oxygenated, which generates noticeable imperfections.

4. Taking showers that are too long

Woman in shower

Taking showers that are too long not only means wasting more water than necessary but, over time, can cause serious skin problems, according to an article published in the journal Elsevier.

Subjecting it excessively to water, especially if it is hot, unbalances the activity of the sebaceous glands and also alters the natural humidity that characterizes it. This may explain why many feel uncomfortable dryness and itchiness after bathing.

Another article indicates the following: “any type of cleansing action, whether done only with water or detergents, breaks the skin barrier. That is why it is important to follow this maxim: one shower a day is enough. The water temperature should be as low as possible and the shower should be short ”.

5. Leave the sponge in the shower

The vegetable sponge is a complementary element of the shower. In addition to helping to remove dirt, it is useful to remove dead cells and all kinds of impurities attached to the surface of the skin.

However, it can become a double-edged sword. By leaving it in a humid environment, it  tends to become a perfect home for bacteria and fungi. Therefore, instead of leaving it in the shower at the end of the bath, the ideal is to disinfect it and put it to dry before using it again.

6. Dry the skin vigorously

Drying the skin too roughly seems like a harmless habit. It is actually a bad practice that can cause skin discomfort.

The towels are not aggressive for the skin. However, rubbing them too hard can cause sensitivity and difficulties in retaining natural moisture.

The advisable way to use them is through gentle patting in damp areas. Without rubbing or rubbing excessively.

7. Delay hydration

Emollient creams for dry skin.

Immediate hydration of the skin after taking a shower is essential to keep it elastic, protected and looking healthy. This is because water can cause alterations in the activity of the oil-producing glands, which results in dryness or itching.

The application of body moisturizer counteracts these effects and helps to keep the natural pH of the skin balanced.

Do you identify any of these habits? If so, try to correct them so that you do not have to suffer any of their consequences. 

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