6 Ways To Strengthen Your Body Without Using Machines Or Weights

The concept of body strength can vary depending on the objectives of each person. Beyond this, it is a goal that can be achieved with basic exercises like the ones we tell you here.

To strengthen your body, it is not always essential that you adhere to a gym routine. In fact, it is enough to know how to use your muscles in a natural and safe way to perform exercises that allow you to improve your physical condition.

Although it is commonly associated with machines and weights with a more sculptural body, the truth is that they are not so necessary to improve the physical condition of a person. Even with basic and easy exercises to do at home, it is possible to design a complete training plan to achieve a better figure and enjoy the benefits of a healthy body.

6 exercises to strengthen your body

The key to strengthening the body with these exercises is to be constant with your practice, in addition to complementing it with a good diet and healthy lifestyle habits. Next, we are going to share in detail six ways to achieve stronger muscles without using gym accessories.

1. Walk or run

In addition to being a relaxing activity, running or brisk walking can help strengthen your leg and hip muscles. Also, a Merck Manual publication on the benefits of physical activity adds that walking not only strengthens bones and muscles, but also helps control weight.

Regular walking activates circulation and reduces tension, which according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine helps prevent cardiovascular events in postmenopausal women, although this advantage could well be extrapolated to other groups of people.

Make sure to wear comfortable clothing and athletic shoes, and take a brisk walk every day that lasts between 15 and 30 minutes.

2. Squats, a good way to strengthen your body

Squats are one of the most recommended exercises for strengthening and toning the thighs and buttocks. A study published by the Journal of Sports Science & Medicine that analyzed the effects of an eight-week jump squat workout concluded that it improves capabilities such as power and muscle strength, among others.

Beyond this, squats, like all physical exercise, also increase energy expenditure. In turn, as a Harvard Health Publishing publication explains, strengthening the muscles of the middle zone helps improve body posture and prevents low back pain.

The technique to perform the squats correctly is as follows:

  • Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, keep your back straight, and bend your legs to about 90 degrees.
  • Although it is usually advised that the knees do not exceed the tip of the foot, it is not a problem if they are slightly exceeded, as long as the back is straight and the look straight ahead.
  • Hold the pose for about three seconds and return to the starting position.
  • Do 3 or 4 sets of 12 or 15 repetitions.

3. Push-ups

As detailed by research conducted by experts from the University of Waterloo in Canada, push-ups are focused on toning the muscles of the upper body. When performing them, the back, pectorals and arms are forced to lift the entire weight of the body. The technique is very simple:

  • On a mat or mat, lie on your stomach, with your arms stretched out and your hands shoulder-width apart.
  • The feet should be pointed, together or very little apart, and the back should remain straight.
  • Breathe in and bend your arms to bring your rib cage close to the ground. Avoid curving your lower back.
  • Without letting the body rest on the ground in this stage of movement, push until reaching a full extension of the arms.
  • Repeat the movement 8 or 10 times and complete three sets.

4. Leg raise

This is another simple exercise to strengthen your body. In this case, you will tone the abdominal area and the buttocks. On this exercise, a study published by the Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation explains that it helps to strengthen the rectus abdominis, but also the horizontal position that the individual adopts demands a greater effort from the internal obliques.

  • With your back straight and your legs stretched out on the floor, lift one of your legs without pushing yourself with your back or hands.
  • Hold the lift for 8-10 seconds and rest.
  • Do the same movement with the opposite leg and complete 12 repetitions with each one.
  • Another alternative to this exercise is to work with both legs simultaneously, as shown in the video.

5. Isometric abs

With this type of abdominal, you will be working the muscles of the waist and belly area and, incidentally, you will increase your physical resistance.

According to research published by the Strength and Conditioning Journal , it is even a job that has benefits for the lower back and helps prevent injuries, since it does not require bending of the spine, as other exercises do. These are the steps to do it:

  • Lie down on an exercise mat, with your arms at your sides.
  • Raise your legs to a right angle and then lower them in a slow motion, without touching the ground.
  • Hold the position for 8 seconds, rest another 8 seconds and start again.
  • Do 4-8 reps to start, and then increase them according to how much resistance you get.

    6. Exercise of opposing forces

    Counter force exercises are those in which two equal classes of forces are used: the one that stretches and the one that contracts. There are many ways to do them but, to begin with, you can make a very simple one leaning against the wall.

    • Put the palms of your hands against the wall, at chest level, and stretch your arms as far as you can.
    • Bend one leg forward and stretch the other back.
    • Use force as if you were trying to push the wall and hold the pose for 10 to 12 seconds.
    • Do four repetitions.

    Remember that strengthening your body demands perseverance

    Ready to try it at home? As you can see, all those listed are very easy exercises to perform and that will help you strengthen your body without the need for machines or professional elements. Practice them and discover how good they are at increasing the strength of your muscles. 

    As final recommendations, it is important to clarify that the results will not be seen overnight; This is a process that takes time, so consistency is key.

    Likewise, medical publications such as one from the Mayo Clinic note that a good diet is also vital to allow the body to function better and become stronger. Finally, don’t forget to rest between your workouts and give your muscles time to recover.

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