6 Tricks To Increase Your Immunity

Believe it or not, increasing your immunity is much easier than you think. It is enough to include certain foods in your diet that help you strengthen your defenses

Are you one of the people who get sick all the time?  It is normal that we sometimes get sick, because we are not completely immune. However, some people get sick constantly… In this sense, what you need is to increase your immunity.

Indeed, they are people prone to infections and they easily contract common diseases such as colds, fever, amoebiasis and any other that is around the environment …  If you feel identified with this situation, it is likely that your doctor determines that you have a weak immune system.

In this case, the specialist will tell you some recommendations and what medications to take. In addition to listening to him, we recommend you follow these tricks to increase your immunity.

Eat nuts frequently


Garlic is one of the cheapest and easiest foods to add to your diet to boost your immunity. Thanks to its properties, garlic can fight many types of bacteria, viruses and fungi.

It is recognized as one of the best natural cold and flu remedies. With a little practice you will see that adding it is simple and provides a rich flavor.

To do this, we recommend a good tomato sauce recipe. Prepare and use it as a base for stews, soups and stews:


  • 6 ripe tomatoes
  • 3 peppers
  • 3 cloves
  • ⅓ of onion little
  • 2 large garlic
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • First, take everything to the blender and process it.
  • Later, when you have a homogeneous sauce, remove it from the blender.
  • Finally, store in a tightly covered plastic or glass container and store in the refrigerator.

This sauce is ideal because you can use it with anything you can think of and, in minutes, you can prepare a complete dish.

In addition, it provides water, minerals and vitamins to your body.

Make sure your diet is really nutritious

A complete and healthy diet includes the vitamins and minerals that your body needs and that promote the proper development of your immune system. Furthermore, l ace vitamins and minerals also help build antioxidants in the body, vital to fight any disease that strikes you.

Although today there are a good number of drugs, medications and supplements,  eating properly will give you the same benefits in a natural way. 

Of course, this will not prevent you from getting sick. However, the ailments will be of shorter duration and easier to combat.

Sleep well

A long, uninterrupted sleep is crucial to boost your immunity. Remember that sleeping at least 8 hours a day is vital to:

  • Stay strong and alert
  • Improve your digestive functions
  • Help the resistance of the column
  • Keep you rested

Think of it this way: When your body rests properly, your immune system has a better chance of defeating viruses and diseases.

Of course, sleep the correct hours (between 6 and 8 hours a day) and avoid excesses.  Believe it or not, sleeping longer than indicated can cause problems.

Eat yogurt daily

Plain yogurt

Plain yogurt

Daily consumption of yogurt is one of the easiest home remedies to help boost your immunity, as it helps increase the number of L. casei. These  They are bacteria that prevent gastric infections and favor the development of white blood cells and antibodies.

Despite these benefits, we know that the idea of ​​eating the same food every day can be demotivating. However, remember that yogurt can be eaten in several ways:

  • Shakes .
  • With fruit.
  • Like jelly.
  • Frozen, as if it were ice cream.
  • As a substitute for cream or milk when preparing vegetable creams.

It’s all about finding an alternative each day to take it.

Although you can occasionally add some flavor, as long as you choose the one with the least amount of sugar and fat, remember that the ideal is to consume natural yogurt.  

As you can see, the best prevention is always a balanced diet and a healthy life. It also includes the benefits of physical exercise and avoids unhealthy habits. You will see how you get sick less.

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