6 Healing Properties Of Sage

The healing properties of sage have been part of popular wisdom for hundreds of years and there are those who still decide to take advantage of them. Do you know what they are? In case you don’t, or you don’t remember them all, we’ll discuss them below.

Since the Middle Ages, sage ( Salvia officinalis ) has been used as a home remedy for various issues. As it occurs easily in any garden, it is not difficult to plant and dispose of it.

This plant has both purple and white flowers, so it is easy to recognize. In addition, these make it possible to take advantage of sage as a decorative element with a “bohemian” or “wild” air.

Healing properties of sage

According to an article published in 2002, on the phytochemistry, pharmacology and therapeutics of saliva: “in its composition several ketones (benzofuranics) and alcohols (tansinones, miltirone, tanshinols, and salvio) have been identified and a small proportion of vitamin E. The most important effects are manifested on the cardiovascular system and the blood ”.

Sage is a plant that, when prepared as an infusion and consumed, contributes to the relief of certain discomforts, such as menstrual cramps, heavy digestion, fluid retention, hot flashes and other discomforts of menopause, among other

As it has an emmenagogue effect, it stimulates menstrual flow, which helps to relieve colic and stomach pain. Additionally, it is considered that the infusion would help:

  • It would soothe stomach cramps as it would act like a spasmodic.
  • It would have a diuretic effect, so it would stimulate urination and help relieve fluid retention.
  • It would moderate the activity of the nervous system, thus helping the person to calm down.

Chamomile and parsley remedy for amenorrhea or lack of menstruation

Important issues:

  • Since the infusion of this plant can cause adverse reactions, it should not be consumed in large quantities. In fact, you shouldn’t drink more than one or two cups a day, without first telling your doctor about it.
  • The drink can interfere with hypoglycemic and anticonvulsant therapies.
  • It can also enhance the sedative effect of drugs.
  • It is contraindicated in case of pregnancy and lactation. Also in case of being under treatment with anticoagulant medications.

According to popular beliefs, the consumption of sage infusion could alleviate the discomfort of premenstrual syndrome and inflammations (both in the abdominal area and in other parts of the body).

Other benefits associated with drinking sage

The healing properties of sage can vary. For example, from the point of view of homeopaths, this plant can provide many more benefits, while scientific researchers and health experts have only been able to verify a few (such as those already mentioned above).

According to supporters of natural medicine, the infusion of sage could help to expel gases and avoid the discomfort that they cause when they accumulate in the abdominal area. For this reason, there are those who affirm that it would be advisable to consume a cup of sage infusion after a copious meal.

Man with upset stomach and gas.

Besides being used as a stomach tonic, it is also used as a remedy to relieve ulcers. However, if you have them, it is best to avoid the consumption of herbs and the like, as it can be counterproductive.

It is interesting to know that, in a research work entitled Effectiveness of the topical use of Salvia officinalis in reducing the gingival index in subjects with gingivitis, it was observed that “the use of S. officinalis is effective in reducing the modified gingival index (GI) . The mouthwash and toothpaste reduce the GI more quickly. The mouthwash achieved the greatest decrease in GI ”.

Would it improve memory?

In view of the fact that it can moderate the activity of the nervous system, there are those who came to consider that some sage extracts could be a natural remedy to prevent Alzheimer’s and memory deficits associated with age.

However, it has not been shown that this plant has such effects or that the regular consumption of its infusion can slow down the appearance of this disease. It would be necessary to go deeper into this in order to determine if the herb would really be useful or not.

Always be cautious

As we have seen, the healing properties of sage are not essential to enjoy good health or maintain a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, keep in mind that the most appropriate thing is to maintain good lifestyle habits and consult with your doctor what is the most appropriate (in case you have any discomfort).

Sage is an herb that is also used in cooking to flavor preparations (pasta, lamb and chicken especially), so if you wish, you can incorporate it into your recipes to give them a much more traditional touch.

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