6 Foods That Make Cellulite Worse

Did you know that there are foods that make cellulite worse?

Cellulite is a condition characterized by the formation of lumps and irregularities of fat in areas such as the buttocks, thighs and abdomen.

It is known in other terms as gynecoid lipodystrophy , but in popular language it has been called “orange peel” because of its characteristic appearance.

It is more common in women than in men, especially after puberty, especially when they are overweight and have hormonal imbalances.

Although it is not considered a serious problem, its presence can alert difficulties in the functioning of the lymphatic system, fluid retention and inflammatory disorders.

Although there are many factors that are related to its development, eating some foods regularly can worsen the condition.

Do you know them? Today we share the 6 most common for you to try to avoid them.

Why does cellulite occur?

Cellulite is the inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue that is produced by a malfunction of circulation at the micro level.

The veins located in the problem areas lose their tone and elasticity, which causes a stagnation of the blood that prevents the cells from being properly nourished.

This, in turn, increases the retention of toxins in the tissues and also favors the storage of adipose tissues under the skin.

Risk factor’s

There is no exact cause to explain cellulite. Thus, one or more factors are often found to explain its appearance. These include:

  • First, being overweight or obese
  • Lead a sedentary lifestyle
  • Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages excessively
  • Wear tight clothing that hinders circulation
  • Maintain an unbalanced diet
  • Have sudden hormonal changes (puberty and pregnancy)
  • Have fluid retention
  • Lastly, take oral contraceptives

Symptoms of cellulite


The main symptom of cellulite is a noticeable change in the appearance of the skin, which begins to feel hollow, with a lumpy or lumpy texture, similar to that of an “orange peel”.

Thus, other manifestations include:

  • Loss of skin elasticity
  • Pain and swelling
  • Dry skin with visible dimples
  • Pink skin
  • Padded look

Foods that make cellulite worse

While some foods have properties that help detoxify the body to promote cellulite reduction, others are full of saturated fats, sugars and also chemical additives that tend to make it worse.

1. Stuffed meats


Stuffed meats always look fresh and are a quick eating option. However, due to their high content of flour, fat and sodium, they are one of the worst enemies for circulatory health.

Thus, its habitual consumption leads to the accumulation of lipids in the arteries, fluid retention and excess body weight.

For this reason, it is essential to limit the consumption of the following foods that worsen cellulite:

  • Sausages
  • Ham
  • Sausages
  • Sausages
  • Bacon

2. Dairy products

It cannot be denied that dairy products contain beneficial nutrients for the body. However, due to their high concentration of saturated fats, it is better to avoid them to reduce cellulite.

This substance is deposited in the tissues and can thus increase sagging and the presence of dimples in the skin.

In addition, due to its lactose content, it can trigger inflammatory reactions in patients who do not tolerate it.

3. Dressings


Dressings are often added to various dishes to enhance the flavor. Thus, the problem is that many of its components increase the accumulation of fat in the body or lead to fluid retention in the tissues.

It is best to exclude products such as:

  • Mayonnaise
  • Ketchup
  • Mustard
  • Soy sauces
  • Black sauce

4. Coffee and soft drinks

Coffee and some commercial soft drinks contain high doses of caffeine, a stimulant compound that can thus harm the health of the skin.

This substance interferes with the oxygenation process of the tissues and also increases the tendency to suffer from flaccidity and cellulite.

  • The ideal is to replace these drinks with water, infusions and natural juices without sugar. These foods don’t make cellulite that much worse.

5. Refined flours


Refined wheat flour, and any derivative of it, contains carbohydrates that are difficult to metabolize and thus influence the formation of fat deposits.

Including them in the diet leads to overweight and, therefore, to the formation of cellulite in various parts of the body.

6. Sweets

Sweets are addictive and also give a very special flavor to hundreds of preparations. However, in order not to have a noticeable cellulite, it is best to reduce the consumption of all the products that contain it as much as possible.

Excess sugar increases the presence of glucose in the blood and also hinders the activity of metabolism.

Are you trying to reduce cellulite? If you did not know that these foods make cellulite worse, start excluding them from your diet and replace them with organic alternatives.

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