5 Symptoms Of Anal Cancer, The Silent Disease

Given that information is always a valuable tool, especially when going to the doctor to receive an early diagnosis, below we will comment on the main symptoms of anal cancer, a disease that progresses silently.

It is true that in our day-to-day lives, there is not much talk about anal cancer. However, it exists and it is necessary to be well informed about it, so that we can know when it is time to go for a medical check-up.

Anal cancer, a silent disease

Anal cancer is a disease that does not present as high an incidence as other cancers (such as lung or breast). However, that does not mean that there are not a number of those affected.

According to the Spanish Association against Cancer (AECC), anal cancer represents 1.9% of all tumors related to the digestive tract. Although this percentage does not seem very high, in reality the disease has been increasing in recent years due to certain risk factors, among which the following stand out:

  • Tobacco
  • The longest life expectancy of the population.
  • Infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV).

On the other hand, it has been observed that it tends to affect men more frequently than women, although from the age of 50 it can occur in the female sex.

Also striking is the fact that anal cancer often progresses without obvious symptoms. And when it manifests, the person may not give it the importance it requires and, therefore, not go to the doctor for a check-up.

There are patients with hemorrhoids who often associate the bleeding and the appearance of lumps with other problems, instead of anal cancer. For this reason, they take time to go to the doctor and obtain a proper diagnosis.

Possible symptoms of anal cancer

It is true that many times we hardly pay attention to certain processes in the body. We go to the bathroom and don’t pay too much attention to whether the stools are normal or whether there is any trace of blood or unusual signs on the body.

The anus is not only that part where we expel fecal matter. It is important to note that it is part of the intestine, specifically the large intestine.

Their ring-shaped muscles house multiple cells that, for many different reasons, can alter their genetics to produce abnormal and cancerous cells. There are risk factors that we can control, there is no doubt, but in terms of cancer, as we already know, not everything depends on the lifestyle.

There are factors that escape us and that, for whatever reasons, end up forming this disease of which we must know the symptoms.

1. Bleeding

This is the main indicator that we must take into account. Now, perceiving that we bleed from time to time may be due to other causes that we must always know about.

  • Sometimes, it is hemorrhoids, a simple infection or any other disease that specialists will determine.
  • It is important, therefore, to consult with the doctor about this problem as soon as we perceive it.

    2. Feeling of fullness

    Most patients who have developed anal cancer have a feeling of fullness in the rectal area. It is as if there is a mass that bothers them or makes them feel a certain itch.

    • Sometimes these masses prevent proper intestinal transit, so that the person may even lose control of their anal muscles.
    • At first it is mild and almost priceless. In fact, the most common is that the person waits time (up to 6 months) before deciding to consult a specialist, at which time the symptoms are usually more evident.

    3. Appearance of warts

    Anal cancer usually occurs many times with the appearance of warts in the anal region. They can be found inside the intestine itself or outside, causing discomfort.

    anal cancer

    Many patients often mistake them for simple boils, but it is important to keep track of them. You do not have to be afraid or shy when it comes to consulting this problem with your doctor. We will stay calmer.

    4. Changes in intestinal transit

    We all go through small changes in our bowel movements from time to time. We go through times of constipation, diarrhea … It is normal.

    What is unusual is experiencing certain losses, not being able to control adequate retention or noticing that the intestinal muscles fail.

    When the tumors are more advanced, these types of alterations occur in which the patient experiences the appearance of flow in the anus area.

    5. Itching

    The lower part of the body is perceived differently. We feel tired in the lumbar area, some abdominal pressure and, above all, itching in the rectum area.

    It is common to associate it with hemorrhoids. Hence, many people turn to the classic creams or treatments to alleviate that intimate discomfort that we do not usually share with anyone.

    However, we stress once again the need to consult with doctors for any of these symptoms.

    Don't hold back the urge to go to the bathroom

    An early diagnosis is of great help

    If we get an early diagnosis, the chances of successful treatment can be significantly increased. Hence the importance of going to the doctor in case of having concerns, discomfort and the presence of unusual signs.

    A small part of the cases are usually diagnosed in the most advanced stage and when the tumor has reached the lymph nodes. In this case the treatments are usually more aggressive.

    However, it must be borne in mind that in cancer matters, researchers are constantly looking for ways to improve existing treatments and, in turn, find better options to help patients.

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