4 Tips To Keep Skin Clean And Smooth

Maintaining a clean and smooth skin does not require great sacrifices, although it does require perseverance. For example, if they tell us that it is good to remove makeup every night, it is useless to do it two or three times a week.

To maintain clean and smooth skin we must do it every day, without excuses. Many people are lazy to follow a routine to keep their skin healthy.

However, the fact of not being persistent prevents them from enjoying skin with these characteristics.

4 tips to get clean and smooth skin

1. Exfoliate the skin

Woman applying scrub to her skin.

Maybe you do cleanse the skin with a suitable product, but you don’t exfoliate it.m Either because you are not in the habit of doing it or because you cannot find one that suits your needs.

Exfoliation is essential, at least every fifteen days, as it removes dead cells and leaves the skin more even and smooth.

To exfoliate the skin it is not necessary to buy a specific product, although we have up to 3 options to choose from. Let’s see what they are:

  • Exfoliating product: In any supermarket or drugstore we can find exfoliating products that cleanse at the same time that their small granules exfoliate the skin. There are scrubs for all skin types.
  • Homemade scrub: We can create our own home scrub, for example, by mixing honey and sugar we can create a completely natural product that will allow us to obtain all the benefits of an scrub.
  • Exfoliating brush: There are some brushes suitable for the face that exfoliate the skin. In these cases, we do not need to buy a specific product, since our usual soap for the face will be enough.

2. Don’t forget to cleanse the skin

If you are very lazy to clean your skin at night and in the morning, we recommend that you do it at least once.

Use a mild product, it can be a foam, a cleansing gel or a cream. Even if you have sensitive skin, you can use micellar water.

What you should never do is go to bed without cleaning your skin. Cleaning is something that you should do on a daily basis, especially if you have applied sunscreen, if you have touched your face a lot or if you have used makeup.

A good cleaning will allow you to maintain a clean and smooth skin.

3. Use a toner

Woman applying a product to her face with a cotton pad.

Sometimes you may think that using a toner is something you can do without. However, this is not so. A tonic refreshes our skin, calms it after cleaning, unifies it and prepares it for the next beauty treatments that we are going to offer.

In addition, toners close our pores, something essential to prevent them from filling with dirt. This way we will avoid that they end up resulting in black spots that are very difficult to eliminate.

You can use a commercial toner, although you can also make your own at home.

4. Always hydrate your skin

After the previous processes, to maintain a clean and smooth skin, it is necessary to hydrate the skin.

It does not matter that you are oily: the skin needs to be hydrated in order to stay young, without expression lines and luminous. To hydrate the skin we can follow the following steps:

  • Oil: There are people who put a treatment oil before the cream. These oils tend to have specific purposes (attenuate spots, eliminate wrinkles, provide luminosity …) and do not make the skin greasy.
  • Cream: Whether we have followed the previous step or not, we cannot skip this one. The cream will keep our skin moisturized and attend to our needs. If we have oily skin we should never put one for dry skin because the shine will become the protagonists of our face.
  • Sunscreen: Whether we are in summer or winter or in another season of the year, we should always wear sunscreen. Today there are many that are light, that are not heavy on the skin and do not leave shine.

Are you already following these 4 tips to maintain clean and smooth skin?

Which of them costs you the most?

We encourage you to persevere, at least for 20 days, in order to acquire a new habit that will make your skin look much more radiant and youthful.

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