13 Unbeatable Tricks To Get Striking Eyelashes

Many women do not have the genetic fortune to wear striking, long and full lashes. At least, without subjecting them to different treatments.

In response to that, the cosmetic industry and beauty professionals have strived to work on techniques and treatments that allow you to improve your appearance in a short time.

In addition to these, there are some natural beauty tricks that can contribute to impactful lashes. Although they are options that take a little longer to work, they are recommended to achieve a more attractive and sensual look.

Next, we want to share the 13 best ones so that you do not hesitate to take them into account during your daily routine. Aim!

How to have striking eyelashes?

When using natural ingredients and remedies to lengthen the lashes, it is important to be careful. It is a very sensitive area and close to the eyes, so it is not advisable to use aggressive components that could damage them. If in doubt, consult your doctor or dermatologist.

1. Increase your volume in seconds


For fuller lashes in seconds, apply a coat of mascara and immediately sprinkle on some baby powder or pressed powder. Wait a few seconds for it to dry and seal them with another coat of mascara.

2. Use the brush according to the effect you want

Mascara lashes

To obtain a volumizing effect with the mascara, rub the brush in a horizontal position until all of the lashes are covered. If you are looking for an elongated effect, place the brush vertically. You will see how you achieve impact lashes!

3. Use an eyelash comb

Eyelash comb

Eyelash combs can be found at any cosmetic store and, in fact, sometimes come in the cap of mascara.

This element should be basic in your makeup routine, as it is one of the best tools to avoid the formation of lumps between the lashes.

4. Apply coconut oil

Coconut oil

Using coconut oil daily before bed can help lubricate, moisturize, and strengthen your lashes. To apply, dip a clean brush into the product and be sure to apply a thin layer from roots to ends.

5. Extend the life of your mascara


When the mascara ink is too thick, it is almost impossible to achieve beautiful, defined lashes. To extend its shelf life and make it more liquid in minutes, put the tube in a glass of hot water.

6. Use two types of mascara

2 types riml

If you want striking, well-defined and easy-to-remove lashes, use two types of mascara for each application. First apply a regular one and, on top, use a layer of waterproof mascara.

7. Boost its growth with green tea

Green Tea

Green tea is one of the most popular antioxidants, and the most consumed beverage in the world after water. It is also an extended remedy to try to stimulate the growth of the eyelashes and protect them against the aggressions they suffer in the environment.

However, although green tea is credited with many benefits, there is no scientific research that has proven this effect.

8. Dilute the mascara ink


With this trick you will be able to dilute the mascara ink and avoid lumps after applying it. Add a couple of drops of liquid makeup remover and shake vigorously. It will be like new!

9. Use a spoon


If you put a spoon on the back of the lashes you will avoid that uncomfortable moment when you end up staining the eyelids.

10. Wave and paint at the same time

curl and style

If you have very little time and you want striking lashes, take the eyelash curler, apply it and, before releasing it, rub in your favorite mascara as well.

11. Heat the curling iron

curling iron

If the waves that your curling iron gives you are not enough to achieve the desired look, heat it up a bit with a hair dryer, check its temperature and apply it. Avoid using it too hot because it could be aggressive.

12. Use vitamin E oil

Benefits of vitamin E

Daily application of a thin layer of vitamin E oil promotes healthy growth, minimizes the negative effects of free radicals, and combats wasting. Dip a clean mascara brush into the liquid and rub it in every night before you go to sleep.

13. Use olive oil as a makeup remover


Considering that many makeup removers contain unhealthy chemicals, we suggest using olive oil as an alternative. This organic product makes it easy to remove harsh cosmetics like mascara and pencil; In addition, as if that were not enough, it provides them with extra moisture.

Recommendations to have impact lashes

Follow all these recommendations and check that you do not need much to get those impact, long and abundant lashes that you want so much.

Of course, remember that it is important to consult with the dermatologist before applying natural remedies or other products on this sensitive area.

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