10 Fruits Rich In Potassium To Include In Your Diet

Potassium is a mineral that participates in the water and electrolyte balance of the body. Therefore, it is important to provide this mineral to the body, for example, through fruits rich in potassium.

Potassium is a fundamental component of it, since  help to:

  • The proper functioning of nerve and muscle cells.
  • The digestion.
  • Metabolism
  • Maintaining the balance of electrical and chemical processes that occur in the body.

Our body receives potassium through food, and the kidneys are responsible for eliminating possible excesses.

You can get potassium through:

  • Red meat and chicken
  • The salmon, Cod , flounder and sardines
  • Soy products
  • Veggie Burgers
  • Various fruits

In this article we will talk specifically about fruits rich in potassium. Well, this is a delicious and easy way to add to your usual diet.

Fruits rich in potassium:

1. Apricots or apricots


It is important to note that dried apricots have more potassium than fresh ones . 100 grams of dried apricots can provide you with almost 33% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of potassium.

Apricots, apricots or apricots are very beneficial for our circulation, since:

  • They are recommended for treating cholesterol, according to this study conducted by the Defense Institute of High Altitude Research (India).
  • According to this study carried out by Isfahan University, they are anti-inflammatory, so they could prevent rheumatic diseases or arthritis.

2. Prune

In addition to being rich in potassium, prunes provide us with fiber and sugar. 100 grams provide us with 16% of the necessary potassium. In addition, according to this study carried out by the Spanish Association of Gastroenterology, it is highly recommended for constipation.

  • Dried fruits owe their nutritional value to the process of dewatering that increases the presence of simple carbohydrates.
  • Prunes are also rich in vitamin A, vitamin B3, and vitamin C.
  • These fruits will also help you to quickly increase your energy,  thanks to their high sugar content and reduce high cholesterol levels thanks to their pectin content, according to this research carried out by the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil).

3. Raisins

Raisins provide us with 21% of the RDA with only 100 grams. However, it must be borne in mind that  they contain a lot of sugar, so it is recommended to moderate their consumption.

It is well known that the bananas They are one of the fruits rich in potassium, as they contain 10% of the RDA.

Bananas will help you maintain the water balance of the cells and the correct functioning of the nervous and muscular system after exercising, as stated in this study carried out by the Appalachian State University (United States).

9. Passion fruit

With 100 grams of passion fruit we will get the 10% of potassium needed daily. In addition to essential nutrients for the body such as vitamin A, B2, C, phosphorus, calcium and fiber.

In addition, also  It is recommended to relieve menstrual pain and has antispasmodic effects, according to this study carried out by the Qazvin University (Iran).

10. Kiwi

The Kiwi It is a recommended fruit, since, in addition to potassium, it contains a lot of fiber and a large amount of vitamin C. For this reason, e this fruit It will help you strengthen your immune system and digestive health.

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